Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
The Big Mess of Saw Phiah Hwa

The Big Mess of Saw Phiah Hwa

Strange things happen every year in every corner of the world. For no reasons, strange things can also happen in multitude at any time. However, if it comes to bizarre, the complex relationships amongst Singapore Government, LTA and SMRT is more than a fairy tale, which causes such a suspense that is worth pondering about. In... 



怪事年年有,世界上各个角落,有事没事,随时都能发生那么几桩。然而,若是说到光怪陆离,大约新加坡政府、陆交局和SMRT之间错综复杂的关系,就比天方夜谭更令人觉得悬疑、值得玩味。 地铁大瘫痪引起高度民怨之后,据说为了公司的顺利运作,苏碧华在考虑一整夜后决定辞职。其实,在外行领导内行闯出大纰漏的糗闻之下,苏碧华的辞职已经不再重要。重点反而是像苏碧华这么一个庸碌的女人,她是凭什么本事当上SMRT公司的总裁兼首席执行长的? 新加坡人都知道,这是一个永远不会有答案的疑问,因为人人都知道苏碧华就是何晶的密友。就譬如何晶当上淡马锡的总裁的情况一样。是的,直到今天,大约也没有几个新加坡人能够理解到何晶凭什么资历就飞到了事业的巅峰。 不过,密友毕竟不是本尊。何晶在金融风暴之下让淡马锡几百亿新元化成气泡消逝,结果还是拿得起、放得下,闷声大发财,继续她伟大的总裁事业。然而,在SMRT捅出大马蜂窝的苏碧华,就没有那么幸运了。 让... 

Tharman joins the King of Spain in a Royal Elephant Shoot

Tharman joins the King of Spain in a Royal Elephant Shoot

Recently the Spanish King was in the news after it was discovered he had been shooting elephants in Botswana. The outrage was not sympathy for the elephants but the discovery that he was on a luxury safari in Africa so soon after expressing his sympathy for the plight of the 20% Spanish unemployed. This demonstration of royal... 

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