Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Make Haze While The Sun Shines

Make Haze While The Sun Shines

[The author Apolitical is a known satirist on TRE :)] I have great respect for Ng Kok Lim and his writing style: always backing up whatever he has to say with thorough research and proper citations. However, his recent article – “LKY wasn’t the visionary leader who brought success to S’pore” – did a great disservice... 

After watching Talking Point on haze, I felt damn confused & ‘pek chek’

After watching Talking Point on haze, I felt damn confused & ‘pek chek’

Dr Steve Yang, Respiratory Specialist from Raffles Internal Medicine Center, Mr Joseph Hui, deputy CEO of NEA and Jeremy Chua who started the Sg Haze Rescue movement, appeared on Talking Point (25 Jun). With the haze issue so current and so personal up close, everyone is feeling it and affected by it, I thought it would be good... 

Confusing The People

Confusing The People

The National Environment Agency (NEA) website was supposed to clear the air about concerns regarding the assessment of the haze danger. It turned out to be another exercise in semantics to cover up their attempts at obfuscation. To debunk charges that the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) does not take PM2.5 readings into account,... 

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