Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Should we pay Indonesia to stop poisoning us?

Should we pay Indonesia to stop poisoning us?

The recent flare-up of the Indonesian forest fire problem and the deterioration in our air quality is understandably also causing temperatures to rise in Singapore. Our neighbor Malaysia is also equally if not more severely affected. This happens year after year causing severe respiratory problems for those afflicted with asthma,... 

Older PMETs hardest hit because … ?

Older PMETs hardest hit because … ?

Leong Sze Hian I refer to the articles “Too many graduates” (TR Emeritus, May 25) and “Workers’ interests always central to labour movement: Swee Say” (Straits Times, May 26). All of a sudden – so many downplay university degrees? The former states that “A  number of political leaders have appealed to Singaporeans... 

How to persuade a pro-PAP supporter to cast doubts on his/her loyalty

How to persuade a pro-PAP supporter to cast doubts on his/her loyalty

I realised most of us had the power to influence someone's decision. When I went to Japan, the reason why their streets are so clean is because Japanese people pick up someone else's litter and throws it into the bin. I accidentally dropped a tissue from their subway and almost immediately, another person picks it up and... 

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