Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Teo Ser Luck: Singaporeans must accept F1 race as a necessary event

Teo Ser Luck: Singaporeans must accept F1 race as a necessary event

Is this true? No mistake, that Teo Ser Luck said this. Singaporeans must accept F1 as a necessary event! Does it mean that if Sinkies do not accept, something bad is going to happen? Our woman folks will become maids or something like that? So the F1 is being raised to the same status as foreign immigrants. Sinkies must accept... 



集选区所以可恨,除了捆绑选民的意向,买苹果送橙子还无所谓,硬硬的塞进两颗花生,这才叫人吃不消。不是吗?犹记得当兵的时候在惹兰巴哈跑6公里,当时一 马当先,虽然全身都被汗湿了,却是跑得兴高采烈。让人意料不到的是,突然间,嗖的一声,一辆小货车就停在前头百来米,噼噼啪啪的就从车斗上跳下来几个同... 

The Singaporean story behind each ATM slip

The Singaporean story behind each ATM slip

I came across this article written eloquently by Dr Chan J Y. He was commenting on an ATM slip he came across. Still about 10 days to end of the month – meaning payday and the ATM slip shows a “malnourished” bank account. Unfortunately, he did not delve deeper into the subject. Let me continue with the subject matter.... 

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