Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Are Voters Angry Enough with PAP?

Are Voters Angry Enough with PAP?

When the people are angry, being a cabinet minister will not save an elected legislator from losing his seat. In the recent elections in Sarawak, the Deputy Chief Minister lost his seat to a rookie from the opposition DAP. His party, the SUPP, lost 12 of the  13 seats where its opponent was the DAP.  The vote showed M’sians... 

Two pleasant developments over the weekend

Two pleasant developments over the weekend

The PAP unveiled its manifesto. The only big change actually was what Hsien Loong said. The govt is the servant of the people and not the master of the people. I know that many people must have fell off their chairs hearing this. I know that many would not believe a wee bit by what was said and what was real. It is still a major... 

National Service being insulted again and again

National Service being insulted again and again

In a brief few days, the national institution of NS has been insulted over and over again by people who are pleasantly disposed to FTs and new citizens. And this hurts, it hurts very badly to all NS men and ex NS men. The years of sacrifice that they gave to the country now seems meaningless. In just a few days, NS is no longer... 

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