Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Ruling PAP fights its toughest new battle to win back people angered by housing shortage and mass immigration

Ruling PAP fights its toughest new battle to win back people angered by housing shortage and mass immigration

BURSTING at our seams. This is a frequent phrase used to describe Singapore these days, after its population crossed the five million mark. Hardly a day passes without a citizen or two complaining about over-crowdedness or shortage of amenities or rising costs associated with the mass arrival of foreigners. With immigration... 

Democracy in peril

Democracy in peril

I am always intrigued by our electoral process- the Singapore elections, in a negative way. To a tourist, Singapore appears to be a perfect paradise, people seem to be well to do and the brochure says we are a democratic. But ask a Singaporean and he or she has a lot to say on how the country can improve after he has ensured... 

Minister Lim Swee Say is the answer to “minimum wage” for all Singaporeans

Minister Lim Swee Say is the answer to “minimum wage” for all Singaporeans

It’s not a surprise anymore as many Singaporeans can see that our Minister Lim Swee Say is the answer to Singaporean’s minimum wage, and he is in the ideal minister to solve “The Singapore minimum wage mystery” Just look at his words of encouragement, asking Singaporeans to be faster and cheaper, and to not to think... 

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