Ethics and Morality in public service
In the wake of recent revelations of criminal offences among public and community service officials, one is justified in asking whether there is a systemic problem of ethical behavior and morality defects in public service agencies. In fact, what are the causes of this increase in public and community service ethical lapses? It...
The correlation between democracy, prosperity and income equality
The Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index 2010 has proven again that there is a direct correlation between democracy and prosperity - citizens of democratic states tend to have a higher quality of life. (read more here) The ten most democratic countries in the world are: Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand,...
The fate of Singaporeans under the dragon system
Under the old tax system, people who have made income have to pay taxes to government. Our public servant salaries and maintenance of the civil servant is not so high, that makes the properties affordable. Therefore we have affordable properties over our head, reasonable medical and education for everybody and the cost of living...
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