Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
It is a vicious cycle, that is Singapore for you

It is a vicious cycle, that is Singapore for you

You got a Farm room 10x10 size. You put in 5 farmers and they pay you for $10 and you provide them $5 food and work tools. You need to recover the $5 and you still have space in your farm so you put in another 5 farmers to pay you another $10. This time you have to provide $10 food and work tools but they pay you $20 and you... 

Super-rich come to S’pore

Super-rich come to S’pore

Many of working class living in the heartland do not see much benefit from having so many rich people around – but they feel the pain of rising costs. A LUXURIOUS 7,072 sq ft penthouse at a prime district has just changed hands for S$30mil (RM71.46mil) in one of the most expensive deals on a per square foot basis. The buyer... 

Does Absolute Power Corrupt?

Does Absolute Power Corrupt?

So, I was brushing up on my reading about personality traits to learn more about myself. In the course of my research I was amazed by recent studies about certain personality types that fit to a tee, certain members of our ruling party. For which I will not name (which you may already guess) for fear of repercussions. And some... 

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