The fate of Singaporeans under the dragon system
Under the old tax system, people who have made income have to pay taxes to government. Our public servant salaries and maintenance of the civil servant is not so high, that makes the properties affordable. Therefore we have affordable properties over our head, reasonable medical and education for everybody and the cost of living...

Estimating the foreign population in Singapore
Since the Asian financial crisis of 1997, the massive immigration influx became a huge source of concern. Critics of the ruling PAP (People’s Action Party) regime had been unhappy over publicized statistics. The majority of these statistics combined citizens and permanent residents. More people were asking for statistics showing...

S’pore Inc: first and fourth world corporate governance
Interestingly S’pore Inc practices “betterest” and “baddest” corporate governance at the same time. When it comes to CEO succession, we follow best corporate practice (and that of North Korea, China, and the Roman Catholic Church). There is good succession planning for the post of PM (CEO), and cabinet posts. People...
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