Archive for the ‘Press’ Category
SDP: Govt must answer questions on defective trains sent back to China

SDP: Govt must answer questions on defective trains sent back to China

The revelation today that the Government has shipped defective MRT trains back to China has raised serious questions about the PAP's effort to ensure the safety of commuters. Our train system has been plagued by breakdowns and malfunctions in recent years due to mechanical and electrical problems. There were even occasions... 



公共停车场收费近日来全面调高,正值国人经历经济疲弱时期。这个时候上调收费完全不合理。 收费上调的幅度也偏高。短期停车费增加20%,季票停车费则增加27%。国人必须面对居高不下的生活费,现在又加上停车场收费调高,对国人来说简直是雪上加霜。 这显示,对于一般市民所面对的困难,人民行动党不是非常轻率地对待,就是完全 放在心上,或者两者都是。 政府说,调高费用的理由是为了控制拥车人数,让新加坡成为一个车少的地方。这个理由并不合理。实际上,这是向人民榨取更多收入的借口。新加坡民主党所提出的说法基于两个原因: 一,如果人民行动党有心要减少拥车人数,那它又为什么放宽汽车贷款条例?放宽贷款条例只会吸引人们负债购买他们原本不打算买的汽车,路上的汽车数量也会因此增加。 放宽汽车贷款条例不但为政府增加收入,也同时拯救不景气的零售业。 二,其中一个鼓励新加坡人放弃拥车改用公交的办法就是让公交更有效率、让公交价格更具竞争力。然而,近日所宣布的德士业者营运执照费调高却适得其反。这样做反而只会鼓励人们继续拥车。执照费上涨最终只会转嫁给消费者。请问,增加收费如何帮助人们放弃拥车改用公交? 目前的地铁已故障频频,加上维修系统的糟糕管理,足以让人们打消放弃拥车改用公交的念头。 因此,人民行动党最近一系列调高交通费的动作,目的显然是为了增加财政收入。就在裁员加速,制造就业机会创下最低记录,以及工资缩减的非常时期,政府偏要增加交通收费。 在这艰难时期,政府执意要从人民身上榨取民脂民膏,实在是过分之极。 Singapore... 

Press release by the NSP on carpark and gas tariff increases

Press release by the NSP on carpark and gas tariff increases

PAP Governments have never seen a price increase they did not like. The increase in car parking charges by the HDB and URA this week, up to 27 % , is outrageous to say the least and the National Solidarity Party strongly condemns the move. It comes at a time when many of our fellow Singaporeans and Singapore families are already... 

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