Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category
World-Class Public Transport System? RUBBISH!

World-Class Public Transport System? RUBBISH!

I refer to your report  "Only one case of non-compliance" (TODAY April 6) on the Public Transport Council's review of bus service standards. Every day,  many students and adults rely on both bus and rail  transport to go to school and to work. As fare-paying customers, they have every right to expect the following service... 

A letter to China Times on PAP mass-recruiting Taiwanese PMETs

A letter to China Times on PAP mass-recruiting Taiwanese PMETs

中時電子報主編您好﹐ 我是一名土生土長的新加坡華人﹐在 Yahoo台灣中讀到貴報張舒婷記者今日發表的  “醫護、科技、文化創意為大宗 星國來台搶人 千名職缺 薪多3成” 報導。 這篇報導隨後被新加坡地下網絡媒體 Temasek Review  (read more here) 轉載但並引起公憤。新加坡本省人被專制的政府欺壓還要與中國和印度的二三流人才競爭。新加坡總人口現在已有36%是外國人。 “聯繫新加坡”的經費是由新加坡納稅人提供﹐但卻在外國招攬人才不顧新加坡本省人才失業率高在台灣進行“叛國”行為﹐... 

China Supervisors in Metro Department Store

China Supervisors in Metro Department Store

Hi editor, I'm a fan of this site and have been reading a lot of reports about local companies hiring foreign labour which could have been done by Singaporeans. I used to work in Metro; that was almost 10 years back. The director, Mr Edward Tan had a penchant for hiring female retail executives akaas department supervisors from... 

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