Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Lawless Society’s attack on M Ravi boomerangs into its own face

Lawless Society’s attack on M Ravi boomerangs into its own face

What goes around comes around. That's the saying. In the case of the Lawless Society vs M Ravi, it surely is true. Lawless Society thought it would be good to throw a pie into M Ravi's face. Unfortunately, they are so stupid, that pie turned out to be a boomerang and it came back to hit them in the face instead. Readers surely... 



李光耀能言善道是一个公认的事实。一本李光耀传记指出:李光耀对英文语言与词汇的掌握以及使用,其造诣之高,常人难望其项背。此外,李光耀认真熟记 种种题材的哲理名言与历史名人语录。这种下足功夫,字字斟酌,引经据典有备而战的言论,解释了为何李光耀论述向来精彩,和令人信服的主要原因。 然而,对李光耀而言,遗憾的是,言论不论是如何的精彩,如何的有说服力,巧辩依然无法改变历史事实。巧言令色可以迷糊无知者,却不能模糊事实的真相。 华校小学生都熟知矛盾的故事;有贩者在卖矛时扬言:我的矛是天下第一,在卖盾时亦扬言:我的盾是天下第一;人群中有人问:以子之矛,攻子之盾又如何?可见,不以事实为根据的虚晃言论,会产生一个无可避免的自相矛盾现象。 虽然说,自相矛盾的言论不足为信,但是,官方依然能够通过必要的文化处理,制造出以假乱真,指鹿为马,足以让人民相信的不实现象。也就是说,政府利用各种媒体渠道,进行文化宣传,让人们接受自相矛盾的胡说八道,进而相信那些颠倒黑白的言论,是正确与可信任的真理。 这一个异乎寻常的现象,就是‘一个人的脑子里同时具有两种相互矛盾的信念,并且对这两种信念都能够接受。’... 

Conquering the Blogosphere in Stealth

Conquering the Blogosphere in Stealth

Dear Mr Tang, I hope this email finds you well! We’re launching a new Straits Times Political website just before the National Day Rally. As part of the launch we’ll have a bunch of stuff up – including one bit titled “What I want to hear from PM on Sunday..” i.e what issues/topics/ announcements you personally want... 

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