Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
ST forum writer wrong to accuse Sylvia and Low of interrupting Minister Shanmugam in Parliamentary proceedings

ST forum writer wrong to accuse Sylvia and Low of interrupting Minister Shanmugam in Parliamentary proceedings

Dear Straits Times, I refer to the 16 Aug 2012 letter by Mr Alex Chiang. Excerpt: "In response to Workers' Party chairman Sylvia Lim's question, Law Minister K. Shanmugam referred to several cases. These showed that Dr Wu's fine was in line with other cases, where fines were also imposed. He then asked Ms Lim to clarify her... 

As DBS expands its business in India, S’pore will have to take in more Indian professionals

As DBS expands its business in India, S’pore will have to take in more Indian professionals

It was reported by The Economic Times of India [Link] on 21 Aug that DBS Bank is applying for 4 more branch licences in India. It reported, "DBS Bank India, the domestic arm of the Singapore-based lender, has applied for four new branch licences from the Reserve Bank to expand its presence in the country, a top bank official... 

Yawn: Minister Heng Swee Keat heads committee to rethink policies

Yawn: Minister Heng Swee Keat heads committee to rethink policies

So Education Minister Heng Swee Kiat has been tasked with the job of re-looking at policies. Honestly I didn’t know he’s the Education Minister. Given the fact that many Ministers and PAP MPs sneaked into Parliament by the backdoor, thanks to the GRC system, the public by and large do not know who they are. In a radio programme,... 

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