Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


8月9日是新加坡的国庆日,47年来,人民行动党政府年复一年动员不少人力物力,去庆祝一个缺乏国家意识的国庆日,这是一出喜剧,还是一出悲剧?或者,这是一出国王新衣的童话剧? 国庆日是一个严肃的日子,也是一个反思的重要时刻,新加坡应该在一个后李光耀时代氛围之下,从革新的思维,去反省新加坡是否还要沉醉于国王新衣之... 

Lee Wei Ling, it’s miserliness, not frugality

Lee Wei Ling, it’s miserliness, not frugality

Poor little rich girl, Lee Wei Ling, insists that her family was frugal. In reality, it is more like a miserly family. Perhaps Ms Lee is embarrassed that she has lived off the riches of her family. And currently, many of her family members live off the sweat of Singaporeans. So she has to make it look that she is not the... 

Lee Kuan Yew laments Singapore’s low fertility rate

Lee Kuan Yew laments Singapore’s low fertility rate

Speaking at the Tanjong Pagar-Tiong Bahru National Day celebration dinner on Sat (11 Aug), former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has expressed concerns over Singapore's low fertility rate, referring to statistics where he noted that the Chinese reproduction rate is 1.08 - with two Chinese becoming one in the next generation. For... 

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