Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


谨新明日报二月十二日对饶欣龙事件的报导,本人觉得有必要回应。 虽然本人转载了黄亦杰的文章,但本人并没有挑战饶欣龙议员辞职的意思。本人只是觉得饶欣龙和工人党对此事件的处理不当,导致原本只牵涉饶欣龙一人的感情缺失的事演变成中间选民对反对党阵营再次失去信心。 1991年民主党和工人党虽然得到重大突破赢得四个席位,但后因民主党党争致使中间选民对反对阵营失去信心,而导致反对党二十年来都无法再次有所突破。在... 

Another foreigner, an Australian, accused of molest acquitted

Another foreigner, an Australian, accused of molest acquitted

An Australian accused of molestation was acquitted by the Court today (13 Feb) after he was allowed to compound the case. James Anthony Woodburn was accused by a 26-year-old woman for molesting her in the shopping area of Marine Bay Sands (MBS). Woodburn was allowed to compound the case after he made an apology and paid $10,000... 

Is there a conflict of interests, as usual?

Is there a conflict of interests, as usual?

Why have we allowed foreign capital to come in to chase such scarce resources such as housing properties to the detriment of Singaporeans unless you are one of those top decision makers who already owned some private properties? Thus by allowing foreigners to chase after such properties they will drive up the prices of those... 

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