Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
PM Cameron on UK’s Immigration Woes

PM Cameron on UK’s Immigration Woes

This video [link] is a well balanced speech on UK's immigration problems. Cameron acknowledges the contributions of immigrants to UK but feels that it has strained its infrastructure and social fabric of the country. This is now a very big issue in UK right now and the Cameron govt has to answer to angry citizens. I couldn't... 



波东巴西单选区在5月大选被行动党收回后,凸显的问题是行动党的亲民态度;也展现了行动党事事要摆出一副专业服务的态度 - 专业到为民服务都可以假手他人,让一间公司来为民服务。 这里不谈原波东巴西市镇会的16位员工的问题,因为,“胜者为王,败者为寇”,行动党要怎样处理员工,是行动党的事。但是,从他们处理市镇的管理来看,确是道道地地的行动党作风,折射出严重的为民服务问题。 口说亲民,单独管理,为何要外包公司负责管理 司徒宇斌口口声声说要亲身管理,正如他自己建议不要把波东巴西归入邻近的行动党集选区,而要自己管好波东巴西,有能力管好波东巴西,但是,为何现在却还要动用外包公司呢?如果是司徒宇斌自己管理市镇,那16位员工,也就不用走人。他们可以在原来的岗位上继续为民服务。 原本寄望行动党能够通过亲身管理市镇内部的事务,好像詹时中过去27年来独立独行,没有外在支援的情形下管好波东巴西一样。... 

If the Presidential Election were to be called tomorrow

If the Presidential Election were to be called tomorrow

It is not uncommon in the lead up to elections to poll voters on the candidate that they would vote for if an election were called tomorrow, in order to gauge popularity of the candidates and make judgements based on these results as to who might win the coming election.  In these polls, voters are also asked to identify the... 

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