Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Opposition may not be competent but they value human dignity

Opposition may not be competent but they value human dignity

For the coming general election, singaporeans need to ask a very important question. What type of life do u want for your children and yourself? For years we have traded human values for materialism and comfort for the sake of national progress. after decades of nation building, the gen x benefitted greatly but now the tables... 

Housing minister’s frustratingly incomplete sales job

Housing minister’s frustratingly incomplete sales job

In his second commentary written for Today newspaper, Minister for National Development Mah Bow Tan addressed complaints that public housing is becoming unaffordable. I wonder how many people he managed to convince when much needed data was missing and there were considerable holes in his arguments. If you have not read Mah’s... 



作者:冬冬 老实说,在逃马是不是恐怖份子这个关键问题上,直至现在内政部在媒体所提供的资料并末完全让我信服,如果逃马是我的兄弟我觉得我对他施于简单援手的可能性是蛮高! 如果逃马真是新加坡的“首号”恐怖,那黄根成先生领导下的内政部就太无能了!想当年,内政部都有能力“自导自演”制造“新青盟”事件,把所谓马共外围组织成员一网成擒,而今黄根成前内政部长兼副总理领导下的内政部,对区区一个“马士沙拉末”竟然束手无策,反而是一再饱受批评的“印、马”警方,却能在幅员辽阔的土地上一再揖拿‘马士沙拉末’,新加坡内政部的能力真是令人不敢恭维! 马士沙拉末的所谓‘直系亲人’虽然有百人之众,但就如‘李显涛’所言:“100个亲戚不代表一百个单位”,如果马士沙拉末真是新加坡的“头号恐怖份子”,新加坡内政部一定有他的‘特别档案’,在这些近亲中谁有可能会对马士沙拉末施予援手,内政部不该早就心里有数了吗? 尚达曼告诉国会,马士沙拉末的直系亲属有超过100个(还不包括妻子这一边的),所以警方…… 尚达曼也是典型的新加坡部长之一“老实”,他老人家过挡掌管内政部,却对这么简单的一个逻辑也不知道,看来他是完全、充分的获得了黄根成先生执理内政部的“基因”遗传! 一个这么重要(头号恐怖份子)的通揖犯,内政部不是该对他进行详细的查证、立案吗?因此,内政部毫无逻辑的自我解脱根本就是“自欺欺人”,如果不是我囯选定部长的第一要素是“老实”,内政部袞袞诸公又怎会一再的能那么轻易的在我们的“精英部长”的眼皮子底下如此轻易的蒙混过关! 如果,‘内政部’档案里沒有相关资料,那。。我有理由相信,马士沙拉末的什么“头号恐怖份子”的头衔根本就是人为栽赃的!如果真是这样,那尙达曼进驻内政部后第一件该做的事就是彻查‘马士沙拉末’是否真是“回祈团重要成员”,还是这根本就是“新青盟”事件的另一个翻版?更该弄清楚为什么会这样,“目的”何在? 来源:大马论坛  Read More →

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