Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:林福寿医生 译者:新加坡文献馆 前言:2009年11月14日,林福寿医生在一个新书发布会上演说,这是他在获释多年后的首次公开谈话。这一天,恰巧是美国总统奥巴马到访新加坡出度亚太经合组织首脑会议。 演说稿全文: 我对这本书所作出的贡献是不多的。因为我的健康欠佳,我的体力局限了我的写作。这些主要是我在1972年期间即被囚禁9年后所发表过的声明书。 我们都知道,我是在1963年2月2日在一场冷藏行动中被逮捕,我是在近20年囚禁之后被释放,是当年遭逮捕众人中的最后一名获释者。这些声明主要是表白我对被囚禁事件的观感立场。 在... 

Singapore’s GDP up, But no cheer heard

Singapore’s GDP up, But no cheer heard

Today’s more knowledgeable, diversified new generation which is tech-savvy and better informed demands more, and expects more from society. BY THE day, Singapore – in seemingly perpetual transformation – is full of surprises. Hardly a year of being hit by one of its worst ever crises, the economy has surprisingly turned... 

GDP growth & the living standards of average Singaporean

GDP growth & the living standards of average Singaporean

By Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Voting RP blog Singapore’s per capita GDP is one of the highest in the world but at the same time Freedom House rates Singapore as near the bottom of the partially free countries with a score of 4 (where 1 is most free) for civil liberties and 5 for political rights. However what is noteworthy is that... 

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