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The Real Risk of the Chinese Economy

The Real Risk of the Chinese Economy

Though I rarely respond to other bloggers, ever so often I read something that causes me so much heartburn, I am forced to respond.  Marginal Revolution posted a link to the blog Synthenomics criticizing people like myself who are shall we say, rather concerned about the Chinese economy. Lulu Wang accurately addresses the... 

On Foreigners, Xenophobia and The Straits Times

On Foreigners, Xenophobia and The Straits Times

The Straits Times In this year's National Day Rally (NDR), besides announcing new policies, such as the construction of more universities and increase in social security, Prime Minister Lee also brought up the issue of xenophobia and hostility towards foreigners as well as the need for foreigners to integrate. However, the big... 

Lee’s economic goals need adults, not your babies!

Lee’s economic goals need adults, not your babies!

Whatever the incentives offered, I believe the Government is smart enough not to expect too many babies will be produced by the citizens. Over the decades, it has created an environment that is no longer conducive to producing babies and raising kids – high cost of living, low income, unstable job, a competitive and stressful... 

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