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The benefits outweight the risks of a Covid-19 vaccination?

The benefits outweight the risks of a Covid-19 vaccination?

One joker at the MTF claims that the benefits of receiving the Covid-19 vaccination "outweights the risks", or is that really so?   So barely less than 1% effectiveness "outweighs the risks" of multiple possible adverse reactions? Had the MTF presented the truth (efficiency versus efficacy) as it is, how many would have... 

PAP ‘sibei guailan’

PAP ‘sibei guailan’

Following the cry father cry mother by an uncle accusing the MTF of "acting like a gangster" on 9th November, TRE has received another audio clip from an auntie accusing the PAP of being "sibei guailan".     Click to listen to the auntie if you do not see the player above.   The audio clip is basically in Teochew... 

Pregnant women at ANY stage of pregnancy can take the Covid-19 vaccination?

Pregnant women at ANY stage of pregnancy can take the Covid-19 vaccination?

The extent to which the MTF would go to hoodwink the population into achieving the elusive "herd immunity" is simply unbelievable. Do we see such risky instructions from the health authorities in the other countries? From the onset, China has made it a very clear policy that those women who are trying to conceive, expecting... 

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