
Malaysian PM FEARLESSLY slams West’s hypocrisy over Gaza

While the majority of World leaders are praising Israel and backing its right to "self-defense" in committing genocide in Gaza, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim has fearlessly slammed the West's hypocrisy over their stance in the Gaza crisis.

He made the statements in the presence of Germany's Chancellors.



20 Responses to “Malaysian PM FEARLESSLY slams West’s hypocrisy over Gaza”

  • rice:

    No doubt hypocrites are everywhere but the world’s worst hypocrites are from the West.
    Any decent angmoh disagree?

    GD Star Rating
  • Anwar knows history:

    Anwar is a fierce independent thinker and talker. He is so different from those politicians who are bought, coerced, racially biased, or plain stupid.

    GD Star Rating
  • The World is a Circus!:

    The whole world is a Circus whipped by notorious Ringmasters.

    GD Star Rating
  • Just one causeway apart and the memory span of the populace is worlds apart.

    One can only remember events from Oct 7 onwards while the other can remember events from as long as 7 decades ago.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Please share my post.

    SG Oppositions/LGBTQ only dare to criticize our great PAP undemocratic.

    SG Oppositions/LGBTQ DARE NOT criticize Americunt/West undemocratic.
    SG Oppositions/LGBTQ are dishonest and d**honourable people

    Irish MP Mick is honest and honourable.

    We MUST (yes a MUST) sue Oppositions/LGBTQ for lying and spreading false and misleading information on Americunt/Western Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights.

    We demand that all Opposition/LGBTQ MUST publicly take a stand and their declaration published on all newspaper and social media with their names and most recent photograph that meet international passport photo requirements.

    1. Will you condemn, like Irish MP Mick, the hypocrisy of Americunt/West ?

    2. Are you with our Son of Singapore Chew Shou Zi, the CEO of TikTok who is defending TikTok from Americunt government ?

    If your answer is Yes, please back it up with actions.

    Over to you Oppositions/LGBTQ.

    GD Star Rating
  • Talk C:

    Don’t talk c lah. You own the newspaper and can give more free publishing space? No? Then shutup.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: We demand that all Opposition/LGBTQ MUST publicly take a stand and their declaration published on all newspaper and social media with their names and most recent photograph that meet international passport photo requirements.

    GD Star Rating
  • Mirror:

    You are the reverse. Worse.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Please share my post.

    SG Oppositions/LGBTQ only dare to criticize our great PAP undemocratic.

    SG Oppositions/LGBTQ DARE NOT criticize Americunt/West undemocratic.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    The World is a Circus!:
    The whole world is a Circus whipped by notorious Ringmasters.

    There are 2 Ringmasters jostling for the top post.

    1. Axis of Evil – China, Russia, Iran
    2. Axis of Lies, Hypocrisy, Bully – Americunt/West

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    TRE Tech:
    Just one causeway apart and the memory span of the populace is worlds apart.

    One can only remember events from Oct 7 onwards while the other can remember events from as long as 7 decades ago.

    Let’s go back to 1921 when the British got the mandate to create trouble.

    Those who only remember Oct 7 onwards are Anglo Saxon canon fodder.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Talk C:
    Don’t talk c lah. You own the newspaper and can give more free publishing space? No? Then shutup.

    You want newspaper space free ?

    You had proven that our great PAP leader PM Lee is right to call Opposition Free Riders.

    Just like your Demoncratic Americunt who eat and run without paying.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    You are the reverse. Worse.

    Did we PAP say we are a US/Western hypocrite demoncratic ?

    You are such an idiot and canon fodder.

    Our pledge say to build a democratic society… we never say to build a US/Western hypocrite demoncratic society.

    GD Star Rating
  • Talk C:

    You are the one who want opposition to do things freely for you. You want them to publish in the news. You expect them to come up with their money. You want it free.

    You are the free loader.

    We will remember you. You are the free loader.

    “Singaporean R Free Rider” is the free loader.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Talk C:
    Don’t talk c lah. You own the newspaper and can give more free publishing space? No? Then shutup.

    You want newspaper space free ?

    You had proven that our great PAP leader PM Lee is right to call Opposition Free Riders.

    GD Star Rating
  • China Good:

    Thank you for your support of this China company.
    We have a Singaporean working at this company. We have fellow Singaporeans support this company. Thank you. Thank you.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: 2. Are you with our Son of Singapore Chew Shou Zi, the CEO of TikTok who is defending TikTok from Americunt government ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Talk C:
    You are the one who want opposition to do things freely for you. You want them to publish in the news. You expect them to come up with their money. You want it free.

    You are the free loader.

    We will remember you. You are the free loader.

    “Singaporean R Free Rider” is the free loader.

    You show yourselves to be an idiot. Are you Goh Meng Seng?

    First, it was Opposition who condemned our great PAP for being undemocratic.

    And when you Opposition are at it, you never ask for free space.

    Now when we PAP supporters demand you apply the same yardstick to condemn US/West for being undemocratic, you ask for FREE space ?

    Don’t give excuse. Just admit that Oppositions are dishonest, cowards, double standard, bully and free riders.

    Eat and Ran/Dine and Dash/Oppositions are free riders

    Share my post. Stand up to Bullies coward Opposition. Sue them for lies and Disinformation.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    China Good:
    Thank you for your support of this China company.
    We have a Singaporean working at this company. We have fellow Singaporeans support this company. Thank you. Thank you.

    CCP agent trying to hijack my post to make evil CCP look good ?

    You are a stupid CCP agent or 50 cents.

    Our great PAP support jobs for Singaporeans.

    For me, I will push for priority for quality people like Chew Shou Zi who serve 2.5 years NSF.

    The inferior quality Singaporeans and FT must be removed from Singapore.

    GD Star Rating

    The attack on the Iranian consulate was not condemned by the West but Iranian response has the West hurrying to defend the Zionists. The West are hypocrites.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    The attack on the Iranian consulate was not condemned by the West but Iranian response has the West hurrying to defend the Zionists. The West are hypocrites.

    Ok.. you, Teo Soh Lung and Lim Tean will not be sued.

    So far no Opposition party dare to make their stand clear.

    We encourage all sensible Singaporeans to sue Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee, Kenneth Jeva for lies and disinformation on Americunt/West Demoncracy, Freedom, Human Rights.

    Join TRE as member and have access to all my post, especially this one with link where all truth of Chinacunt dictatorship, Americunt/West demoncracy are revealed.



    Latest: Don’t BLINDLY LISTEN And BELIEVE. TRUST but VERIFY. Facts Check.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Indian:

    You have been exposed as a double agent.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: CCP agent trying to hijack my post to make evil CCP look good ?

    You are a stupid CCP agent or 50 cents.

    Our great PAP support jobs for Singaporeans.

    For me, I will push for priority for quality people like Chew Shou Zi who serve 2.5 years NSF.

    The inferior quality Singaporeans and FT must be removed from Singapore.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Fake Indian:
    You have been exposed as a double agent.

    You are an idiot.

    Indonesian newly elected President visited China and then went on to visit Japan.

    First, he tickle China ball. Next, he tickle Japan ball.

    Is he double agent ?

    Never vote Opposition.
    They are stupid through and through like Goh Meng Seng.

    GD Star Rating
  • fpc:

    rubbish. Anwar is delusional that hamas, a terrorist group which has put palestinians as collatoral, which has not received any popular vote since 2006, represents palestinians.

    Tech: Rubbish! Hamas, like the PAPies is a political party that is democratically voted by the people to govern.

    GD Star Rating
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