
China backs Iran’s right of self-defense against Israel

China has refused to condemn and has backed Iran's recent "revenge" attack on Israel. Beijing said that Tehran sees the attack as an act of self-defence. China also lauded Iran for not targeting neighbouring nations.

Meanwhile, Israel has vowed to respond and attack Iran on its own, while Iran has warned that it will retaliate with forces "10 times" greater than the initial retaliation attack on Israel.

In the initial retaliation on Israel, Iran reportedly launched 300 projectiles at Israel, that cost the Zionist regime about US$2 billion to intercept. At forces 10 times of the initial retaliation, Israel would be expected to spent US$20 billion to defend itself against 3000 projectiles from Iran, excluding other expenses incurred on their own attack against Iran.


10 Responses to “China backs Iran’s right of self-defense against Israel”

  • Toxic India Web:


    Indians (India) are out to create trouble, with creative words.

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  • Toxic India Web:

    What China really said.

    Noting that the current regional situation is very sensitive, Amir-Abdollahian said Iran is willing to exercise restraint and has no intention of further escalating the situation.

    Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said China strongly condemns and firmly opposes the attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, regarding it as a serious violation of international law and unacceptable.

    China has noted Iran’s statement that its action taken was limited and was an act of self-defense in response to the attack against the Iranian consulate in Syria, Wang said.

    China appreciates Iran’s stress on not targeting regional and neighboring countries, as well as its reiteration on continuously pursuing a good-neighborly and friendly policy, he said.

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  • I do not expect the US to do nothing if Israel attacks Iran, regardless of what Biden says. Biden is playing with words to hoodwink the International community. The US will not help Israel in the attack, but it surely will help Israel in the defense eventually. So the US will be busy shooting down projectiles launched from Iran while Israel attacks Iran. Wanna bet?

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  • snakes and indians:

    kill the Indian (most times) then the snake if you face both at the same time

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    snakes and indians:
    kill the Indian (most times) then the snake if you face both at the same time

    You are a idiot.

    There are good and bad people in any society.


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  • Snakes:

    You don’t know there are good snakes?

    Singaporean R Free Rider: snakes and indians:
    kill the Indian (most times) then the snake if you face both at the same time

    You are a idiot.

    There are good and bad people in any society.


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  • PAP mandate strong:

    Likewise theres good and bad dragons too or loong.

    周处除三害 , one of them is 蛟龙. What China dragons all is good dragon ?

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    PAP mandate strong:
    Likewise theres good and bad dragons too or loong.

    周处除三害 , one of them is 蛟龙. What China dragons all is good dragon ?

    Hahahahaha… hilarious. Laugh Die Me.

    Well said… well said.

    Bad dragon fact#1

    Bad dragon fact#2

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Chinacunt is hypocrite.

    Chinacunt should also back Taiwan rights to self rule aka independent.

    Only then the world will trust Chinacunt.

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  • Gone Case:

    The women in the China village where your mother came from must have done permanent damage to your ego. Poor reject with a Chinese mother but cannot call yourself Chinese.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    Chinacunt is hypocrite.

    Chinacunt should also back Taiwan rights to self rule aka independent.

    Only then the world will trust Chinacunt.

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