
Thou Shalt Not Kill II

For pregnant women. Whether that fortuity is the work of God or random natural chance, that 'little life' inside you is all you ever have, and how you recognize that reality for yourselves must be at the center of any morality, secular or religious, which guides your relationship with your own species fellows. But also to infer that there is a point in time at which the RIGHTS of a woman - by simply being a pregnant female facing a life-and-death medical crisis - become less than absolute regarding her own life and bodily autonomy, is also a cruel, misogynistic, specious argument.

The abortion rights movement is a continuation of the historic movement for women throughout the past century that produced a woman's right to own property/asset, to vote, to divorce and in recent years the fight for equality in the workforce. One may want to make the argument that any moral right to life that may be attributed to a fetus is trumped by the mother's right to control her own body, but let's not pretend that the mother's freedom to choose is the only moral question. The attempt to suggest that no individual moral responsibility exists with regard to the life of the fetus is an implicit admission by those making the suggestion that they are not confident in defending the moral implications of such a decision.

Abortion is by definition ending the life of a human fetus. Notice, I have not used the term "baby," intentionally avoiding the emotions associated with the term, but we cannot honestly avoid the fact that every abortion kills a human fetus. Yes, you are terminating a pregnancy, but in the process one is also killing a human.

The real problem is that society does not, and seemingly cannot, reach a consensus on the humanity of the fetus or even on the grounds by which that question could or should be determined or decided. Some are convinced that the answer is provided by their religion; others believe that ample evidence is found in science -- that the findings of genetics and embryology have failed to reveal a single moment at which the developing individual crosses some kind of line that demarcates Human from Non-Human. Leaving aside arguments about souls and personhood, a fetus is a human entity at every stage of its development. What can be more flummoxing than suggestions that a *pro-life* argument is just a simple extension of faith/religion? Secular society and most atheists also believe in the protection of innocent life (and even not so innocent). I understand that there are many non-religious, pro-life societies. BTW Christians are almost 100% united against murder of any kind.

This is an esoteric academi, philosophical and even religious debate, which will never reach consensus. I believe real stories put things into perspective and can bring clarity to this dilemma. To discharge its primordial responsibility, a society must be clear about and articulate who its members are and when they become its members. No society can pretend to be ignorant of that question--or reduce it to a matter of individual "choice"--without forfeiting its raison d'etre as a society.

An overriding irony of the whole abortion debate is that all the people who are taking one position or another are here to argue because, for whatever reason, their own forbears, whether it be the mother only or both parents, decided not to abort their progeny. In other words, the "person" whose opinion it matters most is not here to give witness, and they are those whose potential life was cut short by abortion.


Sjorne Shen




11 Responses to “Thou Shalt Not Kill II”

  • Fornicator:

    One sin leads to another.

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  • rice:

    Abortion is just another name for “M U R D E R”.
    Yes,murder of truly innocent VICTIMS who cannot even raise his/her voice calling for HELP?


    If people are so vocal against killing of other HUMANS even for drug traffickers and even in wars,it irks me to note the same people so casual about ABORTION,KILLING OF UNBORN BABIES,and CLAIMING IT AS A DEMOCRATIC RIGHT?

    There is too much HYPOCRISY here.
    Sure,if a pregnant woman and her spouse make a discerned decision to save the mother’s life by sacrificing her unborn “baby” ,it is altogether another thing.
    Yes,there are some women who love their babies so much that they prefer to sacrifice themselves for their CHILDREN.
    And,there is no greater love than this.

    GD Star Rating
  • Abortion should be illegal:

    Recently, we see many Hypocrite, cheats, scammers and liars politicians. Failure to ban abortion mean agreeing to kill a human being life and failing to keep laws fair. Politicians in fear of losing popularity and votes supported abortions which is against morality and principles of ethics. Some said supporting abortion is women rights and reproductive right but it is unreasonable and unfair to let women have special right to kill. If laws allow people to kill in abortion, what then is the basis of law? Doctors who mission is to save human life become babies murderer in abortion surgery. Mother who suppose to protect and nurture her babies become babies killer in abortion. It destroyed the role of mothers, parents and doctors. Abortion kill many poor people’s babies because of money issues, making society a cruel materialistic and capitalism society. It is impossible to ignore that abortion is killing away poor people’s innocent unborn babies, which is not democracy and barbaric.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Abortion should be illegal:
    Recently, we see many Hypocrite, cheats, scammers and liars politicians. Failure to ban abortion mean agreeing to kill a human being life and failing to keep laws fair. Politicians in fear of losing popularity and votes supported abortions which is against morality and principles of ethics. Some said supporting abortion is women rights and reproductive right but it is unreasonable and unfair to let women have special right to kill. If laws allow people to kill in abortion, what then is the basis of law? Doctors who mission is to save human life become babies murderer in abortion surgery. Mother who suppose to protect and nurture her babies become babies killer in abortion. It destroyed the role of mothers, parents and doctors. Abortion kill many poor people’s babies because of money issues, making society a cruel materialistic and capitalism society. It is impossible to ignore that abortion is killing away poor people’s innocent unborn babies, which is not democracy and barbaric.

    Eating Kentucky Chicken should also be made illegal.

    Just answer Yes or No is suffice.

    Your answer please.

    GD Star Rating
  • Observer:

    Old wine must use old wineskin.

    So you must also allow one man to marry several women.

    Who will allow their son to marry single mothers? Would they prefer to have own grandchild than have other people’s grandchild.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    I agree. Ever since KFC Spore changed a lot of their staff to FTs, the fried chicken is damn lousy.

    Don’t give jobs to FTs for the sake of doing so.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Eating Kentucky Chicken should also be made illegal.

    Just answer Yes or No is suffice.

    Your answer please.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    There is a direct relationship between Abortion and Ageing population.
    The higher the rate of abortion,the more the Ageing population.
    Can any govt deny?

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    I have a relative who was pregnant 30 years ago. The doctor told her that the fetus was not growing well (very small in size) and told her to terminate the pregnancy. She was very sad bcoz that was her first ‘baby’ but then based on the doctor’s advice, she agreed to terminate it. Somehow her mum knew about it and brought her to seek for 2nd opinion bcoz her mum (based on her own experience as a mum) said the fetus was only 4-weeks old, so how big can it be?
    The 2nd opinion turned out to be the same as the mum’s comment, so she kept the fetus. Now the child is a doctor.

    I shared this old story bcoz I hope those who want to go for abortion or doctors who advise women for termination of pregnancy (TOP) to think twice. Quote what Mr Shen said ‘…potential life was cut short by abortion’.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Angmohs cowpeh loud loud that must love animals.
    But,angmohs also cowpeh louder MUST HAVE RIGHT TO MURDER( ABORT) THEIR OWN BABIES?!
    Anyone blindly follow angmohs must be damn stupid.
    Those who suck up to angmohs are the dumbest!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Angmohs cowpeh loud loud that must love animals.
    But,angmohs also cowpeh louder MUST HAVE RIGHT TO MURDER( ABORT) THEIR OWN BABIES?!
    Anyone blindly follow angmohs must be damn stupid.
    Those who suck up to angmohs are the dumbest!

    Hahaha ..You are scolding Christians and pro democracy Opposition Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee and Kenneth Jaya.

    But you are right. Thanks for supporting PAP.

    Latest: Don’t BLINDLY LISTEN And BELIEVE. TRUST but VERIFY. Facts Check.



    GD Star Rating
  • Thick Skin:

    What Rice said, applies to pappies.
    Animal love groups in Parliament. LKY incentivised abortions.
    SRFR claims Rice support PAP. Siow!

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Hahaha ..You are scolding Christians and pro democracy Opposition Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee and Kenneth Jaya.

    But you are right. Thanks for supporting PAP.

    Angmohs cowpeh loud loud that must love animals.
    But,angmohs also cowpeh louder MUST HAVE RIGHT TO MURDER( ABORT) THEIR OWN BABIES?!
    Anyone blindly follow angmohs must be damn stupid.
    Those who suck up to angmohs are the dumbest!

    GD Star Rating
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