Scoring brownie points using K2 students’ graduation
This is totally unacceptable! How can the PAP MP made use of children from Kindergarten for his own propaganda?!
Did he seek consent from the parents of all the students put up here?
Shake head. They are so desperate nowadays. They can't show what exactly they have done for their constituents or what great questions they have brought up in Parliamentary debates. They could only attempt to gain brownie points over K2 students' graduation?
Goh Meng Seng
This is an ad. The ad is about a person. His big big image is there.
We want to know.
1) who paid for the ad
2) who paid for the use of a public space
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GrouchoMarx – they are supposed to graduate!
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No difference from when they put up those big big posters in your estate wishing you Happy Chinese New Year/Deepavali/Hari Raya what.
This is nothing lah, focus on the big issues at hand instead. Overpriced affordable BTOs, high cost of living, never ending stream of aliens etc etc. Whack them good and proper so Lawrence knows that voters are not to be trifled with. Make him kan cheong shit in his white pants when he sees that his first election as PM he loses more than 3 GRCs at one go!
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Goh Meng Seng and Opposition are useless.
The Oppositions are so useless that instead of showing Singaporeans they are working hard to help Singaporeans, they choose to pick on small things.
Our great PAP, on the other hand is working hard at all level.
PAP NEA start the NEA Community Auditor Programme which volunteer help NEA to keep Singapore clean and green.
Residents in private estates help NEA keep tabs on neighbourhood cleanliness
Calling Singaporeans to join NEA Community Auditor Programme to report foreigners and Singaporeans who littered, create PM 2.5 cancer smoke burning incense paper and left food on the ground to breed rats.
Our great PAP also have a Talent Auditor Programme to report Foreigner and Singaporeans who are mediocre.(proactively bochap)
Vote PAP, not useless Opposition anti government forces.
We will follow US to take video/photo of anti government forces and get them sacked from their jobs or PR.
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Goh Meng Seng and Oppositions, don’t hide.
Why you all dodge/siam frontlines service at first opportunity.
Calling Singapore and Hong Kong Pro US/Western democracy leaders canon fodder:
1. Joshua Wong and his 2 millions Hong Kees supporters
2. Goh Meng Seng, his wife in Hong Kong and children
3. Dr Chee Soon Chuan, his Taiwanese wife and children
4. Kenneth Jaya, wife and children
Don’t hide.
Report to Ukraine for frontline service NOW to defend Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights.
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@”Calling Singaporeans to join NEA Community Auditor Programme to report foreigners and Singaporeans who littered, create PM 2.5 cancer smoke burning incense paper….”
Response: according to report – “8. What are the primary causes of outdoor and indoor air pollution in Singapore?
(i) The primary causes of outdoor air pollution are solid, liquid particles called aerosols & gase from vehicles emissions, construction activities, factories, burning stubble & fossil fuels and wildfire, etc.”
The primary cause of PM2.5 cancer is the vehicles emissions, so NEA please get all the people ( including MPs/ministers/rich bosses) to take public transports, don’t drive.
Quote what Mr LKY said: “Whoever governs singapore must have that iron in him.”
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Paid spies not enough. Must get volunteer spies. Sinkies are in trouble from everywhere.
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Stupid Pea brain Opposition.
Your Democratic Ang Mo Tua Kee are everywhere taking video/photo.
And many stupid Opposition Goh Meng Seng/Jolovan Wham are proud to be video’ed/photo’ed by Ang Mo Tua Kee.
And what they said before are now proven to be fake news..
We must sue Opposition Goh Meng Seng/Jolovan Wham for promoting and spreading fake news that America/West has freedom, Democracy and human rights where actually there is none when you speak against them.
Contrast between US and HK campus protest is amazing
Download and share!!! Sue..Sue..Sue..Sue till their pants drop.
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Simple Man Simple Ideas
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He probably would have preferred to give away free bars of soap with his photo on them but this year is not GE.
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At long last, someone with critical thinking power got it right..
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Iswaran followers.
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