
ICJ Orders Halt To Rafah Offensive In New ‘Stronger’ Ruling

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to halt its offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah and withdraw from the enclave. The historic ruling is the second in a case brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide. While orders are legally binding, the court has no police to enforce them. The judges at the top United Nations court also ordered an immediate release of all hostages.

South Africa, the nation that initiated the action against Israel, welcomed the 'stronger' ruling, while Israel has stated that it will not comply with the ruling.


26 Responses to “ICJ Orders Halt To Rafah Offensive In New ‘Stronger’ Ruling”

  • rice:

    Just musing.
    Would and could the ICJ do likewise to Terrorists?
    Still,think Netty is so arrogant so much so that he thinks he is Netanyahu The Invincible.

    The world can rid of such kind of human-leaders.
    That would bring about more PEACE.

    GD Star Rating
  • @RICE

    PROVIDED IF the world is willing to work together and take Israel to task, then the backing of the US would be nothing. But then do you think that is even possible?

    We know that the US is a big bully and acting as if they are God, but then they can only bully the weak who cannot fight back. If one fine day Russia or China announce that they are going to back Gaza in the fight against Israel, you think the warmongering US or its cahoots would dare to even fart? lol

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    In God We Tru$t is losing tru$t everywhere…

    Breaking News:
    Biden on ICC: “We don’t recognize their jurisdiction.”

    GD Star Rating
  • Modi. God's man.:

    ICJ can stop pretending to be God.

    The Indian prime minister, who is eyeing a third term in office, has claimed that the almighty is directing his actions.

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has claimed that God has sent him “for a reason” and that his work “will be done” once the purpose is achieved.” The Indian leader made the statement during his latest interview with the news channel NDTV amid the six-week-long election in the country.

    Modi, who is seeking a third term as the prime minister of the world’s most populous country, has lately appeared in a string of interviews with several prominent news channels. “I am convinced that God has sent me for a purpose and once that purpose is completed, my job will be done,” he told NDTV, adding that he has “completely devoted” himself to God.

    When asked what his “purpose” is, Modi said that God has not revealed the plans to him. “He keeps making me do things; I do not have direct access to dial him to ask what plans he has for me.”

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    We should reject immigration applicants who
    – forge education and work documents.
    – blame others for their personal housekeeping outcomes.

    Rules-Based-World-Order elite are unlikely to forge documents because they have money to pay professionals.

    People should stop clogging rivers with litter and causing flooding. And then blame others.

    We cannot choose who is born a Singaporean, just like we cannot choose our parents. Unless you want to pay for the Singaporean to migrate abroad. Maybe LKY tried with “Graduate Mothers Scheme”.

    I prefer Singapore to reduce idolatry. I told my son never to commit ancestral worship, after we watched Black Panther super-hero movie. Media should not promote ancestral worship as good deeds. Media should not punish people for converting to Christianity.

    Yes, rule based order is good but, Can you just answer one simple question.

    Whose rules ?

    UN rules ? China rules ? Americunt rules ? Russia rules ?
    I had asked above question to Christian Taliban Observer but I get no answer.

    But the latest response by President Biden confirmed beyond doubt that rule based order are actually US rules.

    Biden on ICC: “We don’t recognize their (ICC) jurisdiction.”

    In 3 minutes, Western/America hypocrisy exposed.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    TRE Tech: @RICE

    PROVIDED IF the world is willing to work together and take Israel to task, then the backing of the US would be nothing. But then do you think that is even possible?

    Part 1 of 2 Response:
    Indeed, The World must work together to take Israel to task.

    But it should not be lead by the 3 axis of evils, America, China, Russia.

    Tech: Macron (France) is a warmonger like Sunak, so no. Maybe Sinkieland?

    France should lead Europe and the rest of the world to condemn Israel and US.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    TRE Tech: @RICE
    We know that the US is a big bully and acting as if they are God, but then they can only bully the weak who cannot fight back. If one fine day Russia or China announce that they are going to back Gaza in the fight against Israel, you think the warmongering US or its cahoots would dare to even fart? lol

    Part 2 of 2 Response:
    China and Russia had already declared their cooperation against US dominance.

    This is dangerous as we no longer has Ang Mo Tua Kee rule based order.

    Christian Taliban Observer will be very sad for Ang Mo can no longer exploit 3rd world countries as China take over.

    Facts#1 Children Are Exploited in Congo To Mine Cobalt For U.S. Technology

    Facts#2 DR Congo town set to ‘disappear’ as Chinese mine swallows it up

    Please distribute and share.

    GD Star Rating

    If the Zionists continue, the closer the Palestinians will be to having a State of their own as more countries decide to recognize a Palestinian State outside of the UN. Ireland, Colombia, Slovenia etc have given recognition. More South American countries and Spain may do so. If Russia, China,France and the Arab States do the same, there is no need for American consent and American power will get clipped. There is a need for this to happen so the stockpiling of weapons is reduced. All arms and weapons are used for the killing of human lives together with all animals in the vicinity.The destruction on the Occupied Territories are done using
    weapons from the US, UK and Germany.All three have come out against the ICJ and ICC.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Modi. God's man.:
    ICJ can stop pretending to be God.

    The Indian prime minister, who is eyeing a third term in office, has claimed that the almighty is directing his actions.

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has claimed that God has sent him “for a reason” and that his work “will be done” once the purpose is achieved.” The Indian leader made the statement during his latest interview with the news channel NDTV amid the six-week-long election in the country.

    Modi, who is seeking a third term as the prime minister of the world’s most populous country, has lately appeared in a string of interviews with several prominent news channels. “I am convinced that God has sent me for a purpose and once that purpose is completed, my job will be done,” he told NDTV, adding that he has “completely devoted” himself to God.

    When asked what his “purpose” is, Modi said that God has not revealed the plans to him. “He keeps making me do things; I do not have direct access to dial him to ask what plans he has for me.”

    Religion is super toxic.

    It defies logic and most followers will just blindly follow their so call leader orders.

    Pastor Kong, Pastor Sun, Venerable Mingyi fa shi followers are prime example that blindly follow.

    Next is my mother who yesterday Saturday came home from the temple and told me she donated 200 dollars to the temple.

    I was speechless. What had the temple done for Singapore society?

    I am glad our great PAP had strict laws to control all religion.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake:

    Good for your mother! Pity her have to live with such a bad offspring. Must be the missing father.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Next is my mother who yesterday Saturday came home from the temple and told me she donated 200 dollars to the temple.

    I was speechless. What had the temple done for Singapore society?

    GD Star Rating

    @TR Tech
    Macron will probably do it as he wants to hold onto power. He is clever to know that he has to please his voters unlike Sunak and Biden. He will show strong support to the ICC and ICJ. He may go a step further to recognise a Palestinian State to win popularity.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”What had the temple done for Singapore society?”

    Response: many temples in Singapore have done various good deeds, eg., some temples do help out in education sectors by providing bursaries and scholarships to primary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges and tertiary students. Some gave development fund to universities which supports the school’s infrastructure and capability development, research etc.

    If you have acquired your education in Singapore schools or any tertiary, then you are considered one of the beneficiaries too. So you should show appreciation and not criticise them.

    Basically donation is a way of teaching people to give (舍) rather than just take, this is to correct our selfishness. We can give other things not just money, but bcoz people love money and always feel a pinch to give away, so money is a good test.
    If your mum understand the purpose behind the action of ‘give’, you should be proud of her.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Part 1 of 2 Response:
    Indeed, The World must work together to take Israel to task.

    But it should not be lead by the 3 axis of evils, America, China, Russia.

    Tech: Macron (France) is a warmonger like Sunak, so no. Maybe Sinkieland?

    France should lead Europe and the rest of the world to condemn Israel and US.

    If you observe carefully, France is slowly distancing itself from US.

    France send representative to Moscow to attend Putin Presidency swear in ceremony.

    Every country is out to protect their self interest except stupid Zelensky and Goh Meng Seng who thought that everyone will stand with him.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Good for your mother! Pity her have to live with such a bad offspring. Must be the missing father.

    You are an idiot.

    No money no blessing no China Wine ..

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    @”What had the temple done for Singapore society?”

    Response: many temples in Singapore have done various good deeds, eg., some temples do help out in education sectors by providing bursaries and scholarships to primary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges and tertiary students. Some gave development fund to universities which supports the school’s infrastructure and capability development, research etc.

    If you have acquired your education in Singapore schools or any tertiary, then you are considered one of the beneficiaries too. So you should show appreciation and not criticise them.

    Basically donation is a way of teaching people to give (舍) rather than just take, this is to correct our selfishness. We can give other things not just money, but bcoz people love money and always feel a pinch to give away, so money is a good test.
    If your mum understand the purpose behind the action of ‘give’, you should be proud of her.

    Temples are the biggest culprit in creating air pollution with their PM 2.5 cancerous smoke and dirty environment.

    It cause NEA hundreds thousands of dollars to clean up and patch up.

    NEA Community Auditor Programme help NEA to keep Singapore clean and green.

    Residents in private estates help NEA keep tabs on neighbourhood cleanliness

    So Will you join NEA Community Auditor Programme by reporting your temple dirty environment ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”Temples are the biggest culprit in creating air pollution with their PM 2.5 cancerous smoke and dirty environment.”

    Response: please check what is the main cause of air pollution written in NEA report, so that problems can be solved effectively. Or else spending expensive resources on the wrong areas is unproductive.

    Just wondering why no complaint of outdoor and indoor barbeques which are also significant contributors to PM2.5? How many barbeque pits in Singapore?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:


    For once me can agree with you.
    No offence but me notices THOSE WHO BURN JOSS-PAPERS are rather inconsiderate.
    With all due respect to their beliefs and faith practices,me thinks it is both irrespectful and selfish to observe such practitioners actually asked their maids,even from other faiths like muslim and christians to burn josspapers for them.
    To top it all,they instruct their maids to burn in front of their neighbours’ house and even leave the ashes at their neighbours’ doorsteps intentionally for superstitious reasons like cursing?

    I am not bullshitting.
    I saw this with my own eyes and even told by the maids their madam ask them to do it???

    What is NEA’s opinion?
    May i suggest banning such burning and ibstead introduce smokeless joss-STICKS in place of joss-paper.
    This will mitigate unwarranted social and cleanliness issues.
    What GraceFu thinks?
    Or,she only busy collecting money for plastic bags?
    BTW,imagine the garbage bins without use of plastic bags to bundle up all the swills and filth !
    Can NEA supply households with FREE CARRIER-BAGS that are bio-degradable?

    Plastic bags have their benefits,who can deny.
    We can “innovate” recyclable “plastic bags”,cant we?


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    @”Temples are the biggest culprit in creating air pollution with their PM 2.5 cancerous smoke and dirty environment.”

    Response: please check what is the main cause of air pollution written in NEA report, so that problems can be solved effectively. Or else spending expensive resources on the wrong areas is unproductive.

    Foreigners who do this we will deport you to your country.
    Singaporeans/Companies who do this we sill stomp you and boycott your business.

    Mercedes Bumper Burnt

    Report NEA and Civil Defence if you see such atrocities.
    If We condemned US/Israel and Russia killing atrocities, we should also condemned such killing atrocities through cancerous PM2.5 smoke.

    Just wondering why no complaint of outdoor and indoor barbeques which are also significant contributors to PM2.5? How many barbeque pits in Singapore?

    Don’t argue the obvious.

    Does barbeque pits generate heavy and thick smoke and dirty the environment like this ?

    We care for Singapore and will protect Singapore from social atrocities.
    We will sue and charge Singaporeans/foreigners who practice social atrocities.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”May i suggest banning such burning and ibstead introduce smokeless joss-STICKS in place of joss-paper.”

    Response: there are already smokeless joss sticks in the market, and also invention of aromatic paper incense which does not leave behind any harmful residue in the atmosphere and is environmentally safe.
    But just like your suggestion, why not ban everything? Is it possible?
    Anyway, this trade is labour intensive, the traditional way of producing the products will be difficult. So sooner or later, probably it will be gone.

    @”Can NEA supply households with FREE CARRIER-BAGS that are bio-degradable?”

    Response: Ms Grace Fu already replied in parliament:”2 Biodegradable plastics may offer some environmental benefit in countries which landfill their waste directly, as biodegradable plastics may break down faster than conventional plastics. However, as all incinerable waste in Singapore, including plastic waste, is not landfilled directly but is either recycled or properly disposed of at waste-to-energy plants, biodegradable packaging does not offer the same incremental benefit in Singapore. Biodegradable plastics could even interfere with the recycling process when mixed with conventional plastic. Therefore, encouraging a switch from conventional plastics to biodegradable materials will not necessarily result in a better environmental outcome overall for Singapore.”

    @”BTW,imagine the garbage bins without use of plastic bags to bundle up all the swills and filth !”

    Response: I thought they will provide ‘waste food bins’ as a substitute of plastic bags for us to throw waste food since there were so many feedback, but end up they gave recycle bins.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”Does barbeque pits generate heavy and thick smoke and dirty the environment like this ?”

    Response: “One study suggests that the emissions from producing and burning a 500g bag of charcoal equate to around 5,000g of CO₂.”
    There are also pictures of rubbish left along beaches after BBQ.

    Anyway there are so many causes of PM2.5 – vehicles, cigarette, construction, burning etc etc, all people have their own preference of dislike, so there is no right or wrong. As long there is people, there will be problems. I am just raising doubts not arguing. Just like ‘rice’ suggest, ban everything, why not?

    GD Star Rating
  • Aiyoh:

    Why you people talk so much about global co2? Why focus on bbq and religious practice? Why not count those missiles, war planes, nuclear bomb tests?

    If you want to talk about personal preferences, there are so many to talk about. 2.4km runs. How much more co2 compared to lying down dreaming? Rigorous sex?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    @”Does barbeque pits generate heavy and thick smoke and dirty the environment like this ?”

    Response: “One study suggests that the emissions from producing and burning a 500g bag of charcoal equate to around 5,000g of CO₂.”
    There are also pictures of rubbish left along beaches after BBQ.

    Anyway there are so many causes of PM2.5 – vehicles, cigarette, construction, burning etc etc, all people have their own preference of dislike, so there is no right or wrong. As long there is people, there will be problems. I am just raising doubts not arguing. Just like ‘rice’ suggest, ban everything, why not?

    Don’t talk cawk and don’t sidestep the other part of the question on “dirty the environment”. I have not even start on the damage it does to property.

    Buddhists/Taoists are like the Christians, double standard and always try to wriggle their way out like a serpent when they are shown the hard truth.

    Readers please note that there is a spike in Covid 19 cases and if you see mass burning, and I emphasized MASS, please call NEA and Civil Defence.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:


    For once me can agree with you.
    No offence but me notices THOSE WHO BURN JOSS-PAPERS are rather inconsiderate.

    I had been telling the truth as it is.

    Just like I had been telling the truth that Singapore is democratic for the longest time and recently proven right as America copied our great PAP policy of Freedom Comes with Responsibility.

    We will sue Jolovan Wham and Goh Meng Seng for calling our PAP undemocratic.

    Please download and share or repost it. It is all facts.

    Facts#1Guilty: Trump became the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes,said%20the%20two%20had%20sex.

    Facts#2 Democratic 12 police officers vs lone journalist

    10 minutes: How the CIA Destabilizes the world | Jeffrey Sachs
    60 minutes: The Untold History of CIA Coup | Jeffrey Sachs

    Police slammed camera man to ground. (Twitter removed it LOL)

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    No offence but me notices THOSE WHO BURN JOSS-PAPERS are rather inconsiderate.
    With all due respect to their beliefs and faith practices,me thinks it is both irrespectful and selfish to observe such practitioners actually asked their maids,even from other faiths like muslim and christians to burn josspapers for them.

    Irrespectful and selfish? What load of rubbish.

    You are paid to do a job and if you don’t want to do it, go look for a new job.

    Man is attacking students and you do nothing. What are we paying you for ?

    This video is not to promote violence but to showcase that police and security person stood around doing nothing despite being paid for their jobs.

    GD Star Rating
  • ICJ for show only:

    What happen now? Nothing. ICJ only act against non-western.

    GD Star Rating
  • ICC ‘Western hybrid war’ tool:

    ICC issue warrants against Russians.

    Western politicians and generals are safe.

    GD Star Rating

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