
The Singapore Dream

The Singapore Dream is no longer solely about material success. It now encompasses fulfilment, meaning and purpose in people's lives- Lawrence Wong (LW) at the launch of the Forward Singapore Festival, 27 October 23.

LW said all the right things but isn't the proof of the pudding is in the eating, no? Let me explain.

Singapore is without doubt a very expensive place to live, to bring up a family and/or to retire etc.

Whether we like it or not, we live in a material world and we are all material beings. The pursuit of fulfilments, meaning and purpose in people's lives are all noble, well and worthy values but they don't pay the bills or bring food for our family. They can only occupy second place after materialism is satisfied.

My first reaction and the first thought that came to my mind when I read LW's exhortation was to smile and ask why is he saying all that when pap ministars know how to pay themselves the world's highest political salaries on one hand and here he is telling Singaporeans not to solely pursue material success, ie, the 5Cs on the other hand?

LW's call is to me, at best, idealistic and at worse, hypocrisy. Period.

If the pap government is no longer able to create good paying jobs for its citizens, unable to create the sort of environment for young people to thrive, succeed and prosper, then it must seriously make way for people who can or are at least trying. Absolutely nobody is indispensible. Not even the pap.

Despite saying all the right things, to me, LW's exhortation was hollow and empty. If I were a younger person, I might be swayed by his eloquence but I am sorry to say that I am old enough to know and wise enough to see through what is right and what is politically correct.


Simon Lim



18 Responses to “The Singapore Dream”

  • Aim for Mangoes:

    Yes, we need purpose in life. After we have everything, we need mangoes. The excitement. The fulfillment. Life is worth living again.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    You mean the FT dream. $tupid $heeple are dying off or servants to FT, the new $inkies and our new masters.

    GD Star Rating
  • Policemen CNA:

    ”The authorities’ statement follows a report by CNA in June, which found that condominium units and HDB flats were being offered for short-term rental on platform Airbnb, ”
    ”The report said there were more than 15 such listings on Airbnb ”
    ”86 people fined or prosecuted for illegal short-term rentals since 2019: HDB and URA”
    They OPENLY advertise on Airbnb because our HDB and URA are not policing their own rules.
    Confiscate their flats.
    Ditto for money-laundering Fujian Gang laundering OPENLY.
    Ditto for those leaving Pre-MOP HDBs empty.
    URA and HDB—do your job….you know who are the law/rule breakers.
    Use data from SingPower …water/electricity bills tell everything.
    You do not need CNA to do the job you are paid to.
    You do not need the public to whistle blow.
    Do your job.
    Dont fall asleep like those assigned to catch money launderers.
    Empty Pre-MOP HDB flats are everywhere…because many are playing the HDB casino game.
    Do your JOB!

    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:

    All the MIW are hypocrites. Especially one who already has the 5Cs is asking the ordinary citizens not to focus on them. An analogy would be a rich person who has a buffet spread for each meal daily. Now, this rich person tells his poor friend that eating kang kong or tow gay with rice plus half an egg each meal is good enough. Because it contains vegetables, meat (egg is meat!) and rice; you have all the carbohydrates, protein, fat and even fibre needed for a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

    Truth is some people can’t even afford 3 meals a day due to the rising COL. How I wish we had Anwar as our PM. In order to understand the COL faced by the rakyat, his government even introduced a new COL indicator besides the old Consumer Price Index (CPI) as below.

    This shows how genuine he is trying to understand exactly where the increased COL is coming from, is it food, housing, transport and so on. Not like our LW who advised the daft sinkies not to be goal oriented (i.e. aim to reach X amount monthly income) or aim for traditional “prestigious” jobs like banking. You think people want to be goal oriented or prestigious? No! They need the money to provide and raise their family. Hopelessly out of touch….this is what happens when you pay your leaders sky-high till they are totally out-of-touch with the ordinary people.

    Don’t believe? Ask Anwar what is his pay!

    GD Star Rating
  • Observer:

    Do you prefer a cosmetic surgeon with delicate hand-skill, or high-PSLE-scores?

    When virtue-signalers say that money is evil, they cause pensions to devalue.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    The New $inkie Reality

    Remember that 95% of the population – The Faithful (including the ‘Opposition’) are f**ked.

    GD Star Rating
  • New Success:

    Norwegian Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Lubna Jaffery has exposed her breasts at an Oslo Pride event, where she was awarded the “Fag Hag 2024” award for her work. The controversial act received praise from the country’s top leadership.

    How come Singapore ministers dare not have this kind of success? Come on, lead in this new way.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Sure,Maslow Hierarchy of Needs still applies.
    These “young birds” conveniently stretch out their hands or merely open their orifices to ask “money” from their parents especially those well-off ones.

    Well,you need money to go to “$tarBUCK$” to buy cuppa and chee$e cakes while your frugal parents go to Yakun???

    You need money to buy Under Armour apparels while your parents buy BATA or Uniclo on sales.

    You go for atas restaurants while your parents go to Kopitiam.

    So,you see,you have it all easy peasy.
    No need to work can also have money to spend like princes and princesses!
    Oh,maybe H$K gave you the $$$ he took from our sgs’ National Reserves?

    And,why NO RETIREE BONUS BUT “you” have BABY BONU$ES?
    Will you be HAPPY if the G takes away such LOLLIES?

    Oh,you can live on “air” only and be happy and GAY?

    This old man too wants to have higher aspirations but when he is broke and hungry like so many others of his seniority,he can tell you honestly living in Sin City is ALL ABOUT MONEY.

    THIS IS 2024!

    GD Star Rating
  • Dr Tan Tai Wei:

    When I was an undergraduate at then University of Singapore, it was common talk among those about to graduate and seek employment that, if you wanted a prestigious, meaningful job in terms of service and contribution to the community, you aim for teaching or the civil service. The private sector paid better, but then you would only be, say, a highly paid salesman. But eversince LKY and the PAP started paying “market value” salaries to PAP ministers and, not all, but only selected top civil servants, values changed. For some time already, it’s become norm to ask “What is your worth”, and the answer is such as “He is worth how many, how many millions of dollars”.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    New Success:
    Norwegian Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Lubna Jaffery has exposed her breasts at an Oslo Pride event, where she was awarded the “Fag Hag 2024” award for her work. The controversial act received praise from the country’s top leadership.

    How come Singapore ministers dare not have this kind of success? Come on, lead in this new way. want who to expose their breasts? Just curious.

    GD Star Rating
  • New Success:

    Let’s not be gender biased. Any minister riding bare chested on a merlion will also be a success.
    Putin rides bare chested on a horse.

    Harder Truths: want who to expose their breasts? Just curious.

    GD Star Rating
  • GCB Ministers:

    ”Former minister Mah Bow Tan sells Good Class Bungalow at Holland Rise for $50 mil”
    ”Mah’s GCB on Holland Rise was sold to Wang Qianqian, a Chinese-turned-Singapore citizen”
    A no-NS new citizen that is parking his money here.
    Hence huge inflationary effect on economy.
    Who wins who loses when citizenship is give out like toilet paper to no-NS newbies.
    Land is sold to all and sundry like Christmas Island.
    How many papigs millionsters own GCBs?
    What are their net worth post-political career vs pre-politics.
    Wise question all voters need to ask this GE 2024.

    Dr Tan Tai Wei:
    When I was an undergraduate at then University of Singapore, it was common talk among those about to graduate and seek employment that, if you wanted a prestigious, meaningful job in terms of service and contribution to the community, you aim for teaching or the civil service. The private sector paid better, but then you would only be, say, a highly paid salesman. But eversince LKY and the PAP started paying “market value” salaries to PAP ministers and, not all, but only selected top civil servants, values changed. For some time already, it’s become norm to ask “What is your worth”, and the answer is such as “He is worth how many, how many millions of dollars”.

    GD Star Rating
  • insomnia or:

    Nightmare since PAP came to power – LKY and his cronies are rewarded more than what they put in – paid mercenaries – that is why will perpetuate conflict amongst the people to keep themselves in business

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    For MOST OF us,it is “DREAM ON…”?

    The Sg Dream is merely a wet dream.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    For MOST OF us,it is “DREAM ON…”?

    The Sg Dream is merely a wet dream.

    So what is your solution?

    No solution? So you are part of the problem?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    insomnia or:
    Nightmare since PAP came to power – LKY and his cronies are rewarded more than what they put in – paid mercenaries – that is why will perpetuate conflict amongst the people to keep themselves in business

    LKY and his team had brought progress to Singapore.

    Lazy and unmotivated, What had you done?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    For MOST OF us,it is “DREAM ON…”?

    The Sg Dream is merely a wet dream.

    Yes, Opposition can only Dream ON because taking no action except whining day in day out on a forum gets you no where.

    If you are lazy and unmotivated, nobody can help you.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dream:

    Dreaming ?
    Better to wake up and face reality.
    More tough time ahead.

    GD Star Rating
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