
Job Hopping is rightly considered to be undesirable and unhealthy and for good reasons

Tin Pei Ling (TPL) is in the news again but this time, it is not about her Kate Spade bags but rather her job hopping and although job hopping is a personal choice and behaviour but when pap MP TPL job hops, it is not so straightforward a matter.

She is not any ordinary HDB ah lian. She is a young MP with a pretty face, with many not so deep thinking followers and fans and having very wide connections in government.

I ask myself if I were an employer and assuming that she is keen to join me, would I also offer her some senior position in my company never mind her job hopping history. The answer is an unequivocal yes not so much about what she knows but rather who she knows.

For the vast majority of us, among others, job hopping can lead to a lack of stability in one's career and it is only natural that employers view job hoppers as unreliable and reluctant to invest in their long term growth.

Frequent job hopping limits the depth, skills and experiences in a particular role or industry. Very importantly, frequent job hopping creates the perception that the person is disloyal and is only interested in personal gain rather than contributing towards the success of the company or organisation. ( Please read the 2nd sentence again).

I believe that many people must be watching her to see how long she can last with her latest employer. Below is a summary of an old speech given by the late Lee Kuan Yew in 1980 at Tanjong Pagar National Day celebrations:

'To succeed, our workers must have the right attitudes. Periodically, EDB and MOM give me the feedback from investors. I have released a recent report plus illustrations given by MOM of poor work attitudes that they have come across. If such attitudes were the norm and widespread, then we would be in grave trouble' etc....."

I might strongly add also that frequent job hopping like what that TPL has demonstrated is definitely very poor work attitudes at the highest level!



Simon Lim



10 Responses to “Job Hopping is rightly considered to be undesirable and unhealthy and for good reasons”

  • Simon Don't Think:

    Simon can only repeat some old out-of-date speech by LKY.

    Wake up. Look at the generals. All of them hold jobs (appointments) for months only. These great men and women learn fast, contribute fast, and get promoted fast.

    Only “peanut crush” people need to work years at a job. After that, they become redundant and are retrenched.

    Wake up to the world of super-achievers.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Oh,is she such a much sought-after talent?
    Or,she loves hopping around?
    Maybe she can hop to join WP to wayang around.

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  • Harder Truths:

    The FT are the ones who practice job-hopping as a way to get a higher salary and benefits. Locals job hop because they need to survive. Locals who stay in one place end up sidelined and unable to achieve much. So they have to compete with FT or lose out.

    As prices skyrocket, jobs disappear and wages stagnate – we now hear a clown talk about how bad trying to keep up with the living standards is for locals. No one really wants to job hop if they are able to earn a decent living. Most people are not looking for the 5C’s – they are just wanting to survive.

    Is not the policy of the Regime to encourage competition to see who is the strongest? Now this ‘opportunity’ is only for FT it seems, because $tupid $heeple are not being patriotic by refusing to fall behind.

    Employers know what they are getting when they opted to hire FT instead of locals. They know there s an endless supply of people waiting to fill the position for lesser and lesser pay and benefits. If $inkies are pushed ut by a job-hopping FT they are supposed to do what exactly?

    So if job-hopping is bad, then why has nothing been done all these years about a phenomenon the Regime encouraged in the first place? Why now> Why only $tupid $heeple need to be follow this ‘new’ agenda? Why is it suddenly ‘unpatriotic’ – whatever that means these days – with every FT given citizenship like hotcakes?

    GD Star Rating
  • Justsayonly:

    There’s little doubt that companies who recruited PAP MPs largely because they’re PAP MPs.
    Just do some thinking with your knees.

    The same with PAP ministers after stepping down, they’re given high paying jobs on a plater.

    This one just think with your elbow.

    PAP under lhl has completely lose its way & still think that Singaporeans will accept everything they said.

    Just like the big title ‘ministerial statement’
    PAP believe that by these ministerial statements, whatever the issues are considered closed.

    Nobody supposed to question nor doubt because the PAP ministers said so is so.

    GD Star Rating
  • R U doing nothing again?:

    Many Singaporeans are suffering under inflation, squeeze in small flats but PAP mps are enjoying their million dollars salary, live in big bungalow and enjoying luxury life. Are Singaporeans voters going to vote PAP in again and doing nothing to stop such culture again? Allowing stupid people to run the government and make life difficult by raising GST and doing nothing to change the situation is the stupidest act. Watch other people take away all your power and make your life difficult will make your life more misery. Life become very misery after voting,GE always. TPL is one of the many PAP mps. Act now. Vote PAP out. PAP will never change for good, they only change for worse.

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  • Vincent:

    Mp also difficulty in job.maybe do grab c how?

    GD Star Rating
  • Vincent:

    Fishing village= grab rider village.both wait for order.

    GD Star Rating
  • DeBarge:

    Tin Pei Ling is obviously not much of a talent. Quite likely she wasn’t much of a success at all her jobs but obtained mileage from her MP status. She isn’t the only one. She is just the most visible. To put it this way, she got lucky. She just managed to make the most of her lucky breaks by ignoring what we think about her. Maybe we should learn to do the same.

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  • Talent:

    She is a talent lah…
    Very Hot in demand…
    Ministerial material ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Memory-less Civil Servants:

    After 60 years, this gov still cannot design a functional bus-stop. Big pillars at the front block passengers from seeing bus numbers, even the big bus itself.

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