
Total Fertility Rates (TFR)

Is it possible to reverse our Total Fertility Rates (TFR) to at least the replacement level of 2.1?

Our current TFR is at a very pathetic 1.04 per women of child bearing age. The very sorry TFR state is not an overnight phenomenal but rather crystal clear evidence that despite knowing how to pay themselves the world's highest political salary, the pap government has been sleeping on our plunging TRF issues and challenges over several decades.

I repeat. The pap government has been sleeping on our plunging TRF issues for over 40 years!

Everything in life is easier when you are rich and wealthy and Singapore is without doubt, a very, very, very wealthy country.

The Stop at Two policy was a correct policy at the time when it was implemented. Many families then were poor and could ill-afford to feed more mouths but still, people continued to reproduce.

Looking back over 4 decades, the pap government had at their finger tips all our national birth and death numbers but instead of working hard to reverse our falling and falling TFR, they opted for the easy and lazy quick fixes, ie, to pluck the low hanging fruits through immigration in order to make up for our population shortfall.

Today, our country and her citizens are paying very heavy prices for their follies and those past ministers including current ones who were and are in charge were either dead, retired and/or enjoying their millions.

What is needed to reverse the continuous fall is nothing short of a miraculous undertaking but I believe that it is still salvageable to some extend.

We will need strong and serious political will across several terms of government, funds, resources, an all out and sustainable government propaganda blasting (in the past we called it campaign) which the pap government is very good at, religious elders chipping in efforts, changing of young people's mindset and managing expectations etc.

In short, a whole of nation effort of over 5 or maybe even 10 years.

It is no good to comfort ourselves that western countries, China, Japan and South Korea etc are not doing any better for the simple reason that politicians in those countries are not paid what lhl and his ministers are paying themselves.

It is also fruitless to be doing more of the same things and hoping for different results.

I can very easily go on...



Simon Lim




20 Responses to “Total Fertility Rates (TFR)”

  • Ownself vote ownself into:

    Ownself vote ownself into genocide. Beyond help. True blue dodo birds.

    GD Star Rating
  • City with no children:

    ”Soaring Sydney housing prices may lead to city ‘with no grandchildren’”ST
    So sinkieland is ahead of Sydney.
    Sinkieland—land of no children.
    High Coe, HDB…high everything.
    Old Dragon Looney -Pinkie with his wonkie economics of attracting billionaires, money launderers and casino business have turned this place into Monte Carlo of the East.
    He and papigs are very proud of million dollar HDB flats—some 40 years old.
    Where else in the world do you have public housing going for a million dollars.
    Well—the price you pay is Sinkieland have become the city with no children.
    Fertility rate at one of the world lowest 1.04.
    And NS-served youngsters are migrating!
    City of no children and city of mostly oldies MG and PG!
    Youngsters are voting with their feet and leaving the MG/PG with their million dollar HDB and condos. Enjoy while the quickly diminishing lease-decayed Ponzi last. Your illusion of wealth will not last!
    How to destroy a city—ask Pinkie-Looney!

    GD Star Rating
  • opposition dude:

    It will take more than a decade to increase the TFR to 2 because people have to see the difficulty decline in raising a child before they decide to have one. A responsible parent would not want to bring a child into the world to suffer right?

    So those who do want to become parents have said the same old things over and over with nothing done to address them much. All I see PAP doing is increasing the babt bonus. As if a few thousand dollars can raise a child for the next 2 decades ah you sure or not?

    With no job security in place it surprises no one that people are wary in having children as well. When one gets retrenched at an older age with 2 school going children to raise and either no job or one that does not pay as much as the previous job did it does not take a scholar to see the consequences. Add to this long working hours and a real high cost of living and it only makes the problem worse.

    If you can’t even earn enough to support yourself do you think you want to have a chld which you need to raise for at least the next 18 years or so?

    And of course you already know PAP isn’t interested in solving the problem. Where are the big big announcements of assistance to middle income and below parents? They only know how to make big noise when it comes to the yearly bidget, May Day Rally and NDR, TFR only know how to report it’s at 1.0x knn!

    GD Star Rating
  • Not sure true or not, but I heard from a few nurse readers that the number of sudden-deaths and still-births is also increasing.

    Common sense would say it’s the mRNA vaccines, but then we know the ken dunno wat Mak would blame it on weather change, dio bo?

    Anyway, the sorry truth is even if any woman gets pregnant, it may still not guarantee a healthy birth, especially if the woman is fully vaccinated. That would not work towards increasing the TFR also.

    What do you think?

    GD Star Rating
  • Bs:

    During 50s 60s 70s children name r call ah kau,or ah meow or ah tur(pig)

    That y now children all turn into animals.

    Worse thing is dat half of theses “kid”poo stain all over walk way.

    GD Star Rating
  • Bs:

    Bukit ho swee slum fire re located citizens.

    Now history come round again.but is TB clearing “slum” for the single

    Old.(recent 60 year deceased a lone at TB hot spot.)60year old still got 20 to 30 more good years.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Seriously,the Population Augmenting FT Policy is not working.
    Temporaneous INCREASE in population is but an ABERRATION much like a mirage in a “BARREN” desert.

    COL exacerbated by GREED AND EXTEANEOUS DEMAND coming from ALIENS.
    The G seems only interested in COLLECTING MORE MONEY via GST ,COE,ETC.

    It has even driven up SUICIDE RATE AMONG ELDERLY POOR SGS?


    GD Star Rating
  • Surrogacy & single parenthood:

    Many countries have no FT problems but yet their fertility rates are very low.

    It is not correct to blame the ghamen for low fertility rates just because of its foreign talent policy, it has little to do with low fertility rates.

    The single population has become very much larger and more and more young people remain single with no intention to get married. Allowed them to have babies through means of their own choice. These natural born children of single parents should have legal rights as those born to parents with legal marriages.

    Surrogate mothers policy, properly regulated, should be given green light to proceed. This will enable couples who couldn’t have natural children by themselves to have the opportunity to fulfill their wishes of having natural children.

    May god please bless sinkie land to have many many dragon babies.

    GD Star Rating
  • Tough problem:

    Tough problem…need new Policy and action to reverse the low birth rate.Likely to be costly too…
    Singapore high COL is not helping.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”The Stop at Two policy was a correct policy at the time when it was implemented. Many families then were poor and could ill-afford to feed more mouths but still, people continued to reproduce.”

    Response: Many families now are also complaining unable to feed more mouths, so should they continue to reproduce more?

    If people believed the stop at two policy was correct and agreed with abortion policy, then bear with the consequences since they chose to go against nature.

    GD Star Rating
  • Keeping Sinkie FearFul:

    ”Power cuts, cyberattacks staged across Singapore to mark 40 years of total defence” GE 2024 coming!
    ..“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
    ― H.L. Mencken
    General elections were held in Singapore on 3 November 2001—days after Sept 11 attack.
    GE 2020–held during the height of COVID.
    Papigs love to keep sinking-sinkie fearful.
    Many sinkie live a very fearful life without knowing why.

    City with no children:
    ”Soaring Sydney housing prices may lead to city ‘with no grandchildren’”ST
    So sinkieland is ahead of Sydney.
    Sinkieland—land of no children.
    High Coe, HDB…high everything.
    Old Dragon Looney -Pinkie with his wonkie economics of attracting billionaires, money launderers and casino business have turned this place into Monte Carlo of the East.
    He and papigs are very proud of million dollar HDB flats—some 40 years old.
    Where else in the world do you have public housing going for a million dollars.
    Well—the price you pay is Sinkieland have become the city with no children.
    Fertility rate at one of the world lowest 1.04.
    And NS-served youngsters are migrating!
    City of no children and city of mostly oldies MG and PG!
    Youngsters are voting with their feet and leaving the MG/PG with their million dollar HDB and condos. Enjoy while the quickly diminishing lease-decayed Ponzi last. Your illusion of wealth will not last!
    How to destroy a city—ask Pinkie-Looney!

    GD Star Rating
  • @Keeping Sinkie FearFul

    The proven and tested “flight to safety” strategy works on the daft practically all the time.

    Humans are mostly fearful and lazy, so they choose to keep status quo and is not willing to work toward changes. Picture a sex slave that has been kept and then suddenly allowed to leave. She wouldn’t want to leave even if her master allowed her to, because she wouldn’t have anywhere to go and who would feed her?

    Lets take America as an example. Lets say that due to the Gaza genocide, just prior to its November PR, some Muslim brotherhood decided to reenact a 911 all over again. I would think that come the November PE, Biden would be returned to power, for its populace would think that since Biden is already there and started it, he would be the best-suited person to handle it.

    Trump would lose big, what do you think?


    China has a female to male ratio of 2:1. Maybe they should take a leaf from LKY? lol

    GD Star Rating
  • 900,000 oldies in lease-decay:

    ”“With rising life expectancy and a low fertility rate, we will have more than 900,000 seniors aged 65 and above by 2030.”
    ”Like many parts of the world, Singapore faces the challenge of an ageing population, said Redas president Tan Swee Yiow.
    ”..the rapid pace of building in the early years means that over the next 5 years to 2025, there will be more than 665,000 HDB flats aged 35 years or more”
    So in few years time we have 900,000 oldies, almost a third of the population
    and 700,000 very leased decayed housing.

    That is 60% of housing units have lease decay problem in 5 years time.’
    Lawrence99=Zero have a big problem on his hands.
    ..”Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley

    GD Star Rating
  • Import more north east asians:

    For sure it will help increase babies.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Import more north east asians:

    Who are you referring ?

    Have you check the TFR of other north east asian countries ?
    Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, HK, Thailand, …. even China, N korea, Russia generally all way below 2.0

    GD Star Rating
  • To expensive to live in:

    ”1 in 3 Singaporeans want to retire and live in JB: Study……. A substantial 21 per cent of respondents added that they have some form of investment in Johor Bahru.”
    So 33% want to head north to retire; that will certainly empty out the housing units in sinkieland. Import more Tiongs and CECAs to fill it up!
    Welcome to Sinking-Sinkieland.
    Only the rich ones can afford to come; provided they are silly enough to want to.
    Thank you Looney Pinkie for your wonky economics of money-laundering -casino hub.

    900,000 oldies in lease-decay:
    ”“With rising life expectancy and a low fertility rate, we will have more than 900,000 seniors aged 65 and above by 2030.”
    ”Like many parts of the world, Singapore faces the challenge of an ageing population, said Redas president Tan Swee Yiow.
    ”..the rapid pace of building in the early years means that over the next 5 years to 2025, there will be more than 665,000 HDB flats aged 35 years or more”
    So in few years time we have 900,000 oldies, almost a third of the population
    and 700,000 very leased decayed housing.

    That is 60% of housing units have lease decay problem in 5 years time.’
    Lawrence99=Zero have a big problem on his hands.
    ..”Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Sometime survey may be the truth or not. Sometimes people say only. Like Li Kah Shing quietly evacuate from HK and China since 2013/2014.

    E.g. All China very good here. Since how many years ago until now the group is still here.

    Only harder truth ( if i recall correctly ) and tech walked their talk.

    GD Star Rating
  • Joker:

    You are like a hungry animal. See food must eat. You never learn to appreciate things from afar. Please go back to a good school, not those pappy schools.

    PAP mandate strong:
    Sometime survey may be the truth or not. Sometimes people say only. Like Li Kah Shing quietly evacuate from HK and China since 2013/2014.

    E.g. All China very good here. Since how many years ago until now the group is still here.

    Only harder truth ( if i recall correctly ) and tech walked their talk.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Appreciate things from afar ?

    Yes. Wont say thats wrong. But it could be a facade or imagination / fantasy running wild.

    Anyway why appreciate from afar while you can go live it, go enjoy it. Like falling in love, you have go and love. Maybe successful maybe unsuccessful. No one’s stopping you and youre not living in N Korea. 生命没take two.

    GD Star Rating
  • TFR causes:

    Main Causes of Low FTR

    1. Runaway Inflation, Insane COL

    2. Massive Unemployment due to accelerated Automation & AI

    3. Unaffordable Housing

    4. Sexual Preferences

    5. etc, etc…

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