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新加坡底层人民,低技术或不需要技术的劳动工人,薪水远远的落后于发达国家,所得入不敷出。面对社会对于国民缺乏最低工资来保证最起码生活素质的质疑,为 了弥补这群就业又不足以温饱的群体可能引起的社会动荡,政府美其名以就业补助金变相的来资助这些低收入国民应付生活开支的同时,竟也左右推搪,把劳动人民... 

Race: In the words of Harry

Race: In the words of Harry

In the wake of extensive online discussion of racist remarks, racial stereotypes and racial intolerance, I thought that it would be useful to highlight the perspective of our first Prime Minister on the issue of race. "It is in part the difference between the more intense and exacting Sinic cultures of East Asia and the... 

Acknowledging the Reality and  Escaping from the Paradise

Acknowledging the Reality and Escaping from the Paradise

Former Minister George Yeo “I was in politics for 23 years until I lost in the last election. The opposition leader who beat me, when he was interviewed, said: "We won not because my opponents [meaning me and my team] did not do a good job, but because people wanted us in Parliament." I thought if there was not something... 

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