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So what if Singapore is the richest country per capita

So what if Singapore is the richest country per capita

S'pore 'is richest country per capita'  says the Straits Times of 15 August 2012.  Before one jumps up with glee, take a moment to reflect on what is this measure called GDP per capita. Though economists' definitions differ,  most will agree that it is not an attempt to reflect the distribution of income or wealth. There... 



新加坡变法图强?如何个“强”法?看来只有在精神上提高,在精神文明上装备自己,才能站得高,望得远。新加坡已经是世界首富#1,再富下去,也是首富,为何不在精神上加把劲呢! 严格的说,行动党变法求存,根本就不叫变法。收集民意,听听意见,对谈反馈,这根本就不是要做出改变,而是为了求存,而做出的表面功夫。说到底,这只是行动党的问题,行动党政府为了延续政权所做的最后努力... 

This is the time we Singaporeans should unite

This is the time we Singaporeans should unite

As a Singaporean, I am deeply saddened when watching the video of Justin Wee making fun of our fellow Malay and Indian Singaporeans. Around the same time, we have LCP Fahrurrazi who died while serving the nation. Here is our Malay Singaporean brother toughing it out in the jungles with all our fellow countrymen and then we have... 

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