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Foreign political parties that already have an influence in Singapore

Foreign political parties that already have an influence in Singapore

I recall a while back when TOC was given the official blow of having to register itself, because it was classified as a political website, and one of the reasons was to prevent foreign parties from using a Singapore political party as a stepping stone into Singapore. That being said I would like to highlight that it is already... 

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

That Mubarak has to be ejected from office by the outpouring of citizenry onto the streets is stark reminder that politics is a serious business. The battle for the minds of the common people should have been fought in the august house of parliament. To demean this hallowed institution with the presence of a second-rate artiste... 

Distribution of SCs, SPRs and non-PR foreigners in the workforce 1997-2010

Distribution of SCs, SPRs and non-PR foreigners in the workforce 1997-2010

The list below showed the distribution of SCs (Singapore Citizens), SPRs (Singapore Permanent Residents) and non-SPR foreigners in the workforce 1997-2010. 2007-2010 underlined and italicized figures were my estimations based on publicly available MOM statistics The compilation was based on the following sources: Jan 2008 MOM... 

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