Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Why not employ Kiwi and Ossie bus drivers?

Why not employ Kiwi and Ossie bus drivers?

Gerard Ee, may we know how much you’re paid from tax payers’ funds for us to know if you justify the pay you are receiving for your lack of ideas. Ask any man in the street when you have a shortage of workers and I trust most of them would be able to give you some useful lessons on supply and demand. Unless we have full... 

When was the last time you had a good look at your PUB bill?

When was the last time you had a good look at your PUB bill?

When was the last time you had a good look at your public utilities bill? If you were like millions of other people, chances are that you haven't. Perhaps you should, it would make for surprising – and not so pleasant – reading. You will notice that your bill includes your water consumption amount. Under this category,... 



政府手中的国家资讯是与民分享好呢?还是,50年如一日,像过去那样,‘独乐乐’而不与民‘丛乐乐’呢?50年前没有网际网络,今天资讯这么发达,政府还能继续独享其乐吗?如果,继续一成不变,民间和在野的智库,在缺少完整资讯的情形下,有望成长吗? 行动党政府的一贯做法是不与民分享资讯,过去一党独大,不公开资料,我行我素,人民又能怎样?即使是今天,国会出现了6位在野党工人党的国会议员,情况是否有所改变呢?答案还是一样,不与人民分享资讯,也不让在野党获得更多资料,你在国会提问,我就提供适宜的,选择性的答案。 因... 

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