Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


也不知什么原因,突然间就心血来潮,无端端的心底就涌出了一个疑问:有减薪这回事吗? 余福金领导的政治职位薪金检讨委员会利用近七个月时间完成的报告,白纸黑字、明明白白地写着是薪金检讨。既然是检讨,那么在检讨的结果还没有公布之前,所有政治职位的薪金是可能比之前更高的。也就是说,没有减薪这回事! 那么,《一个能干并具奉献精神政府的薪金》这份报告出来之后,如果政府承认委员会的建议和报告是正确的,具有道德上的公信力。那么,就很直接的点出了:如果... 

Plight of older workers in Singapore continues

Plight of older workers in Singapore continues

A Straits Times editorial on Christmas Day last year talked about businesses re-hiring employees who pass the official retirement age of 62. These older workers are, however, often discriminated against. Way before the Straits Times weighed in on the issue, the Singapore Democrats highlighted this abusive practice. In our alternative... 

The inconvenient truth

The inconvenient truth

Monday is a big battle day in Parliament. 25 MPs will take to the floor to discuss the recommendations of the Ministerial Salary Review Committee headed by Gerard Ee. The agenda has been set. They will be discussing about the recommendations for future salary for primarily political appointment holders. The salary for MPs is... 

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