Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
More good signs?

More good signs?

I just found time to glance through the ST. My immediate impression is that the ST is playing pretty fair in its coverage of the opposition candidates. Chen Show Mao and Benjamin Pwee were featured generously. This is the best sign that the govt is maturing and showing a willingness to accept the presence of good opposition... 



没有历史厚重感的人讲话特别好笑,因为他老是以为自己是第一个,并不知道这样的事已经重复好几百次了。 李显龙总理说:在本地实行两党制是行不通的,因为我国并没有足够的人才组成两支A队。 本地早已证明民主多党制是行得通的,而最大的获益者就是人民行动党。 话说第二次世界大战后期,美国的罗斯福总统和英国的丘吉尔首相联合起草《大西洋宪章》,声言战争结束后要废除殖民地统治,给予各殖民地民族自决,任何国不得干涉他国的内政。 于是在本地,英殖民政府在1948年就开放了第一届立法议员的选举,那时许多行动党的人物不是在读书就是还在穿开裆裤。之后由林有福领导的劳工党赢得了1951年第二届的三席。在1955年4月的立法议员选举中,劳工阵线(林有福)17人参选,10人获选。而成立不到半年的人民行动党则只推出4名候选... 

Why the President’s salary is pegged higher?

Why the President’s salary is pegged higher?

I do not agree to the clarification made by Mr Chen Hwai Liang, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister on President’s salary of $4,267,500 in March.   MM Lee said Singapore is only a nation in the making, then how does the government justify to our President receiving the highest pay in the world when we are not even a nation... 

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