Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


新加坡选举揭晓,已执政近40年的人民党再次囊括国会几乎所有席位,现任总理吴作栋和资政李光耀都对选举结果“表示满意”。但5日《华尔街日报》却为此发表“新加坡又玩老一套”(The Old Singapore Story)的社论,批评这次新加坡选举和过去一样,李光耀的人民党又是用诽谤罪来威胁打压反对党候选人来“获胜”。 该社论指出,这次新加坡选举,李光耀的人民党赢得了国会84个席位中的82席,比上一次1997年那次选举,更多得了席位。其中原因之一是,李光耀的人民党再次使用控告反对党候选人“诽谤”的威胁打压方式而获得优势。 在选举前的星期天,反对党“民主党”候选人徐顺全在商业区进行竞选活动时,遇到了执政党候选人、现任总理吴作栋,徐全顺质问吴作栋为什么新加坡要在1997年给印尼总统苏哈托100亿美元贷款问题,吴作栋不予回答而走开。 随后吴作栋政府宣称,那笔贷款不是提供给苏哈托,而是给印尼政府,而且最后由于世界银行提出异议而没有实施,由此指控徐全顺是诽谤吴作栋和政府。 《华尔街日报》社论认为,徐顺全提出这样的质问是有道理的,这么大一笔公共财产是否被滥用,去支持那样一个腐败的苏哈托政府?他虽然在路边偶遇吴作栋... 

Why Opposition MPs Are Value-For-Your-Money

Why Opposition MPs Are Value-For-Your-Money

It makes complete sense for Singaporeans to vote in just under 50% of the parliament seats for the opposition. The maths is a simple one: We all know very well by now that the PAP MPs are all there to rubber stamp their party’s policies, good or bad, for or against, the people. They are yes-men and yes-women, they are in parliament... 

Foreign Talents don’t stay

Foreign Talents don’t stay

It's a known fact that many foreign workers (from work permit holders to employment pass holders to PR holders) make use of Singapore only as a stepping stone to better pastures elsewhere.  The sad truth is that Singapore is only a transit point for them - to build up their credible work experience and their financial resources.... 

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