Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
ANZ, how many SGs exactly are being hired?

ANZ, how many SGs exactly are being hired?

ANZ Singapore Chief Executive Vishnu Shahaney spoke to ST Business today (see attached photo) regarding the labour crunch here in an apparent damage control exercise aims at pacifying the many Singaporeans who have cut up their ANZ credit cards last week - protesting against preferential hiring by the huge international bank. A... 



韩咏梅说:“衡量社会援助是否有效,不在于把钱分给多少人,而是能不能让最多人有尊严地生活着。划一条贫穷线,除了简化资源的分配和容易让公众看到钱给了谁之外,需要帮助的人真的能在获得帮助后有尊严地生活吗?我怀疑。”——话虽没错,不过好像吠错树了。 为了声援陈振声的“不划贫穷线”,韩咏梅想出了一个故事,不过这个故事依我看来,好像是拿L敲头。 首先,韩咏梅和陈振声一起通过官媒造谣,他们说只要“政府”决定要划贫穷线,政策就会一刀切(Kueh... 

Medifund: Successful applications increased 65%?

Medifund: Successful applications increased 65%?

Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital patients playing mahjong and watching TV. Over 587,000 Medifund applications were approved last year, up from 518,000 the year before. (Photo: Lim Sin Thai) I refer to the article “$100m in Medifund aid provided to needy patients last year” (Straits Times, Nov 15). Medifund disbursed $100m? It states... 

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