Archive for the ‘Scoops’ Category

POFMA’s punching bag
There are people waiting to "catch me" to talk about all these Sudden Deaths happening recently, especially the young boy so that they could make use of me as the "POFMA PUNCHING BAG" to frighten off all those out spoken skeptics. But I just kept quiet. They must be extremely disappointed but yet, can no longer take the heat...

Ng Kok Song is another level (revisited)
If what this guy say is true, then Ng Kok Song's investment company has been supported by his previous employers. Something is really seriously wrong. Teo Soh Lung Read More →

A world that defies gravity
Tharman Lives In A World Which Defies Gravity! “ …. a family with a household income of as low as S$1,000 can purchase a small flat” - Tharman, 2012 Lim Tean Read More →
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- Clap on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of
- BeggingVoters on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
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