Time to open the archives
Click to enlarge "They came to the coffee shop in Joo Chiat where I was working at 2am. About five or six officers came, and they took me to Outram [police station], where there were already many people. I was detained for four and a half years. I was a Singapore citizen but I lost my citizenship; they took me to the border....

HIV registry leak: Very troubling signs that the rot has set in, much deeper than we thought
An American fraudster teams up with a rogue Singaporean doctor and together they wreaked havoc. They hookwinked and defrauded the Manpower Ministry, Health Ministry and Education Ministry and put thousands of Singaporeans in jeopardy. If ever we need confirmation that the rot has set in, this is it. It was with apparent ease...

HDB sold repurchased land to private developers for profit and didn’t redevelop it as HDBs for future Singaporean generations
Over the last few years I have written several articles on the HDB issue, the last ones being on 10th and 11th December 2018 but as this hot topic arose again while I was at Hong Lim and on my threads recently, I want to take you back to them. The first, and one of the biggest parts of the HDB saga since Lawrence Wong let the...
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
- Clap on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of
- BeggingVoters on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
- Don't play play on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?
- PAP mandate strong on Forward SG to a Nation of Beggars?