Archive for the ‘Scoops’ Category
How anti-PAP websites can raise $$$

How anti-PAP websites can raise $$$

Something for TOC, TRE, TISG and the SDP website to think about. They get the bulk of their traffic from really cheapskate born-loser anti-PAP cybernuts and cyberrats. These sites can use Coin Hive mining script and others, such as JSE Coin, legitimately to generate some money from their steady stream of visitors. Metrics published... 

SMRT : Ponded tunnel also not SMRT top management fault, go blame LTA

SMRT : Ponded tunnel also not SMRT top management fault, go blame LTA

(This is a real imaginary announcement from the PAP appointed top management of SMRT, aka Ass MRT.) Dear MRT commuters Thank you for your eternal patience with our horrible service. Allow us to clarify the ponding er … I mean flooding in the tunnel between Bishan and Braddell MRT stations yesterday. This is clearly an act... 

From LKY’s garden city to PM Lee’s fountain city?

From LKY’s garden city to PM Lee’s fountain city?

In 1967, LKY had a vision: transform Singapore into a garden city. After his death, LKY’s son PM Lee has an even bigger vision: transform Singapore into a fountain city. Fountains will be everywhere soon and we need not go to, say, Suntec City, to see one. In fact, Singaporeans have complained that they are sick and tired... 

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