Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Sequel to TCs system becoming obsolete and unmaintainable?

Sequel to TCs system becoming obsolete and unmaintainable?

In the previous article the author discussed the rationale of Dr. Teo’s public statement on “obsolete and unmaintainable” reasoning resulting in the sale of the program to AIM (PAP company). In this second part, the author would like to highlight possible violation of licence usuage stipulated in the Oracle licence and... 

Stop asking the PAP to change

Stop asking the PAP to change

You know a bad relationship when you see one. The parties involved bring out the worst in each other; they blame each other; they can’t see eye to eye; pull each other in different directions; bicker, squabble, fight—and yet they cannot let go. They keep returning to each other like an addiction that can’t be shaken off;... 



“鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也善。”一个人走到生命的尽头,譬如油将尽、灯欲枯,黯然回首,突然就觉得眼前的荣耀,往日无穷无尽的争斗、绞尽脑 汁的算计,曾经经过的耻辱,都像黄粱一梦,就将成为过去,心里一酸,只感到英雄末路,而彼岸竟是如此的缥缈。心悸之下,良心随即显现,不由得对生命感到愈... 

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