Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Vote for Opposition if you want to have a reduction in GST

Vote for Opposition if you want to have a reduction in GST

As reported, there will be 87 constituency seats for grab in the coming election. 1/3 of 87 would be 29. Hence to prevent PAP from getting a 2/3 majority, we need to have 30 opposition MPs. Yes, 30 opposition MPs! It’s very important to prevent PAP from getting 2/3 majority as they can easily pass any Bill without much debate.... 

Singaporean workers: Vote to protect your jobs and vote to implement minimum wage!

Singaporean workers: Vote to protect your jobs and vote to implement minimum wage!

Brothers and sisters, have you ever seen someone who lose their job, or maybe it has happened to you because of the following reasons: 1) Your company engages an external company to bring in cheap foreigners from other countries 2) You get replaced because they hired a cheaper worker, to do your job 3) You see a foreign hiring... 

The Next Lap under SM Goh. The gradual prominence of Naturalized Citizens

The Next Lap under SM Goh. The gradual prominence of Naturalized Citizens

The Temasek Review earlier published an article written by myself on the number of Singapore naturalized citizens (SNCs). ( In 1990, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong became Prime Minister. From 1991 onwards, there was an active continuous policy of massive... 

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