Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category
Expiry date for ‘fully vaccinated’ status

Expiry date for ‘fully vaccinated’ status

I wonder how many Singapore residents are aware that the Government has mandated that a person's fully vaccinated status expires 365 plus 14 days after the second dose. This can be found in section 6, subsection 4 of the Infectious Diseases (Mass Gathering Testing for Coronavirus Disease 2019) Regulations 2021, read with the... 

Naive Parents Pressing Local Kids To Study Hard

Naive Parents Pressing Local Kids To Study Hard

These days, I see a lot of feedbacks on social media, WSG and job related social media that a lot of local graduates from local schools are finding it very hard to land even interviews. Abundance of PMETs who lost their jobs during the pandemic have failed to land any interviews after thousand of applications. The age of PMETs... 

Horrendous management of Covid-19 infected family

Horrendous management of Covid-19 infected family

My wife, 1-year old son and myself recently returned from Bangkok on 20th October 2021 and served our 10-day mandatory Stay Home Notice (SHN) at Carlton Hotel. Our pre-departure PCR swap test and on-arrival PCR swap test at Changi Airport results were negative. On the 10th day of our SHN, we went through an exit PCR swap test... 

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