Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category
Hokkien and other Chinese dialects

Hokkien and other Chinese dialects

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s article, “Hokkien and other Chinese dialects: Listen to Ong Ye Kung’s daughter” (Dec 18) A language is generally perceived as an effective communication tool, it also bridges the mental and emotional interactions among large groups of people. Therefore it has a string of sentimental... 

Staying on an even keel amid challenges

Staying on an even keel amid challenges

I read with interest the Editorial, “Staying on an even keel amid challenges” (ST, Dec 8). As all know, a boat which wants to sail safely and smoothly, it needs a sturdy structure of keel and wise, capable and experienced captain to duly steer the boat, as well as industrious and cooperative crews to work seamlessly. I hereby... 

The conflict that has dragged on too long

The conflict that has dragged on too long

I read with sadness the Editorial, “The conflict that has dragged on too long” (ST, Dec 6). Undoubtedly, any war is disastrous, having no advantages whatsoever. Besides the huge loss of “countless” lives (including humans: civilians and military soldiers, and animals), crops, precious properties and catastrophic damage... 

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