Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
分红是真善还是伪善? (Is distributing budget surplus a benevolent or hypocritical deed?)

分红是真善还是伪善? (Is distributing budget surplus a benevolent or hypocritical deed?)

新加坡媒体把2011预算案赞为令人欣喜异常,鼓掌称道的兼顾眼前与未来的预算,并且认为分红是为民解困。果真如此? 这种所谓的与民分享财政盈余在一个没有福利意识的政治体系里会有多少诚意与真实性? 财政盈余来自政府收入大于开支的差额。然而,财政盈余未必值得高兴,因为苛捐杂税是政府高税务收入的原因之一,此外,政府忽略福利预算亦可以减少政府开支。这种政府财务政策下的盈余乃来自人民的双重痛苦,有何值得欣喜鼓掌? 来自不当收入的财政盈余只是民间私有资源的转移,与政策的优越性与行政的效率性并无关系,相反的,这是政府剥削人民的具体实证。事质上,只有从创造取得的财富才是真实的盈余。 那么,新加坡的财政盈余来自何处?有些什么特色?要知道个中玄机不妨看看学者的研究论文,从中明了一些学界所掌握的盈余资讯。 2007年,国立大学的Tilak... 

Game On

Game On

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia: "Gerrymandering is a practice of political corruption that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating geographic boundaries to create partisan, incumbent-protected, and neutral districts." To maximize the effect of supporters' votes and... 

Is it in your interest to vote for PAP? (Part 1)

Is it in your interest to vote for PAP? (Part 1)

The following is a chat between husband and wife on the general election. Mrs Tan is a die-hard supporter of PAP. She has given her vote to PAP since day one. She is often impatient when her husband speaks against PAP. The husband has not made up his mind yet but is moving towards the opposition. He is a rational man given to... 

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