Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:冀居·谢 黄永宏欢迎反对党到碧山—大巴窑集选区, 他受访时说,竞争将有利于新加坡整体的政治进程,因为国人能够从中了解各政党的理念以及他们想推行的政策。这段新闻读来也有点啼笑皆非,因为他应该是很尴尬讲出这番话的人,如果是在台湾,他会被记者接下来的发问搞得狼狈不堪。 黄永宏部长本身是个不经选战,直接在集选区卵翼下进入国会的执政党精英,据说是放弃千万元收入,屈就百万元年薪的一个,现在一人就当了两个部的部长:教育部长和国防部第二部长,此外还有一个国会副议长的闲职。作为一个这样的人物,如果他认为他的贡献完全是对新加坡有利的话,那么他应该支持更大的集选区制度,让执政党把所有的英才都以这样的方式揽进国会里面。如果他认为政党竞争能够有利于新加坡整体的政治进程,当初他又为什么接受从后门进入的安排呢?所以顾炎武会说:士大夫之无耻是为国耻。 来源:大马论坛  Read More →

Upgrading  Out of Unemployment – is it possible?

Upgrading Out of Unemployment – is it possible?

By Gilbert Goh Introduction   Our government has being encouraging the jobless population to upgrade and retrain for alternative re-employment. There are well over 1000 courses available for government funding and many have went for such re-education. I saw retrenched engineers threw away their tools and retrained to be a trainer.... 

Temasek’s $1.1b project bites the dust, again?

Temasek’s $1.1b project bites the dust, again?

Erlend Olson have been a bit player in semiconductors for years, the former NASA engineer had made an improbable metamorphosis into a burgeoning oil-exploration kingpin. His company, Terralliance Technologies, a secretive startup in Newport Beach, Calif., had developed an algorithm for telling petroleum engineers where to drill. Never... 

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