
Thou Shalt Not Kill

The Socratic paradox that inspires this way of thinking is, "No one commits evil knowingly. When they know what is universally good, and recognize that it is not separate from their own personal good, then they will of course choose the good option."

What many philosophers call "the Socratic Paradox" is Socrates' view that no one intentionally does evil. It is called a "paradox" because it seems so counter-intuitive, yet Socrates had a reputation for being wise. There are several "solutions". The one offered by Plato is that when one does something evil one mistakenly thinks one is doing something good; we always desire the good. So what do you think? Do you think it is possible to actually desire the bad, knowing that it is bad and that nothing good will come of it?

Thousand of years ago, when the Romans invaded Gaul or Alexander the Great's armies rampaged through Asia and Europe, there was no legitimate way for the victims to defend themselves. Before that time war was hell and whatever the victor wanted the victor was entitled to have of the defeated. The absence of a publicly accessible, ethically and legally authorized way of discriminating between fair and unjust conflicts, as well as an impartial, international mechanism for implementing an asymmetrical code that is more in line with the morality of war. The Christian Church invented the 'just wars' code-named the 'crusades' to enable Christians to fight invaders who threatened Christian civilisations. War is anathema to Jesus' teachings. "Moral war" is the ultimate oxymoron because it stands in direct conflict with Christian morality that not even Saint Augustine who propounded this idea to bring the church closer to the state could defeat theologically.

It's obvious the Bible does not directly present ethical solutions to all modern questions. What modern Christian ethicists can do is use the Biblical texts - and the Church Fathers and the rest of Christian tradition - to find the ethical basis and precepts *underlying* Biblical teachings, and then apply that substrate to find answers to new questions that confront us.

The fact that wars still happen today is both tragic and embarrassing. Those who use advanced military ordnance to anihilate minorities or others whom they oppose, in my opinion, should be stopped by whatever means. In all societies killing is wrong, as reflected in laws and religions. A position no person takes - many say they do, but they always make exceptions for e.g. self-defense, for executing some criminals, or for certain sides in certain wars they favor. For good reasons? No matter; killing is killing, and once you accept it in one situation you accept that life is not sacred. Turning the argument around, by accepting killing in war as a moral act, we must so embrace murder as a virtuous act.

Nobody, nowhere, should kill anybody else...unless your own life is endangered. The fallacy becomes from believing those confounding concepts: 'just/unjust war & the idea that you fight for something else than your scalp. Even wars most people consider to be just are full of unjust actions. Was the killing of all those civilians in cities and towns from bombing both targeted and as collateral damage justified? It points to the central problem of whether any war can be considered just when so many innocents and non-combatants die as a necessary result of the ways wars are fought.

There is no such thing as a good war and there is no such thing as a bad peace." -- Benjamin Franklin

In all societies killing is wrong, as reflected in laws and religions. This simple a priori axiom automatically establishes war as immoral. Principally, if you have to go to war, you've already failed, and everything that follows is damage control.

What could be simpler than: THOU SHALT NOT KILL . . . ?

The true pro-life position holds that killing is never the answer.


Sjorne Shen



23 Responses to “Thou Shalt Not Kill”

  • Follow action:

    Throughout the bible, god killed lots of people.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Follow action:
    Throughout the bible, god killed lots of people.

    Read America’s Manifest Destiny.

    Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. The philosophy drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion and was used to justify the forced removal of Native Americans and other groups from their homes.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    The Christian Church invented the ‘just wars’ code-named the ‘crusades’ to enable Christians to fight invaders who threatened Christian civilisations. War is anathema to Jesus’ teachings.
    I don’t think War is anathema to Jesus’ teachings.

    Jesus said in the Bible: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his fatherand a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” Bible Matthew 10:34-36

    This is what Anglo Saxon explain:
    Jesus has come into the world to disrupt (this is what sword means) all human allegiances that don’t put him first — to be loved above all other values, and to be followed above all other authorities.

    In George Bush words, either you are with us or against us.

    Bush lied: Iraq possessed Weapon of Mass Destruction

    Red Indians Mass Graves found

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    How about Thou Shalt Not Lie.

    U$ Press Secretary: Israel are not INTENTIONALLY killing civilians.

    You cannot talk about democracy

    Opposition always criticize our great PAP as undemocratic. This means Opposition are democratic.

    So, Opposition/LGBTQ MUST BE THE FIRST to answer below questions. Just answer Yes or No is suffice.

    Q1: Do you believe what the U$ Press Secretary said? Israel are not INTENTIONALLY killing civilians. (Yes/No)

    Q2: Do you believe President Bush who said Iraq possessed Weapon of Mass Destruction? (Yes/No)

    Q3: Does the West/America has the high moral ground to lecture others on Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights ? (Yes/No)

    GD Star Rating
  • opposition dude:

    Unfortunately for Sjorne Shen mankind’s history has proven him wrong numerous times. All the wars that have been documented, the numbers of innocents killed and the amount of blood that can never be cleansed by those in power, it’s a mistake that has been repeated ad infinitum.

    Humankind has always found new and more devastating ways to kill each other and this cycle will always be repeated. We can say war is evil, is wrong but governments still engage in it today so how to solve?

    Sure our various religions tell us to be kind and caring but our actions speak otherwise.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Ask your supporters don’t be stoopid to let their children become canon fodder.

    Teach their children say :”what the hell?” Clap clap.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: priori axiom

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    There was some Bible study that Satan will come as a man of peace, unite the world so they become ONE WORLD , governed by ONE GOVT.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Jesus said in the Bible: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth;

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    LGBT not necessarily mean democratic. They might be militant.

    The LGBT movement is like the women’s movement. The whole world revolves around them. Other groups will be disadvantaged.

    Do you not see how women’s rights in Spore? Don’t want husband but want the money. Still demand maintenance.

    Talk about equal rights but expect men to be breadwinners.

    It is not about equal rights when others have to give way to you, give way to your demands to be gentlemanly, while women are just plain ill mannered

    Now in US now must use gender neutral terms.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    How about Thou Shalt Not Lie.

    U$ Press Secretary: Israel are not INTENTIONALLY killing civilians.

    You cannot talk about democracy

    Opposition always criticize our great PAP as undemocratic. This means Opposition are democratic.

    So, Opposition/LGBTQ MUST BE THE FIRST to answer below questions. Just answer Yes or No is suffice.

    Q1: Do you believe what the U$ Press Secretary said? Israel are not INTENTIONALLY killing civilians. (Yes/No)

    Q2: Do you believe President Bush who said Iraq possessed Weapon of Mass Destruction? (Yes/No)

    Q3: Does the West/America has the high moral ground to lecture others on Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights ? (Yes/No)

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Angmohs preach but always breach(break the Law).
    In God we trust has been replaced by In ‘$’ we lust.

    The world’s irrational exuberance of INFLATION is largely Angmoh-driven!
    Can any reasonable folk disagree?

    Thou shalt not kill but killing unborn babies is “not killing”???

    To Farks with angmoh logic.
    Angmohs are insane,lunatic!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    There was some Bible study that Satan will come as a man of peace, unite the world so they become ONE WORLD , governed by ONE GOVT.

    Ah governed by ONE GOVT. and drink only ONE Wine called China Wine.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Ask your supporters don’t be stoopid to let their children become canon fodder.

    Teach their children say :”what the hell?” Clap clap.

    Parents should be caned for their ill-disciplined children. Agreed?

    HORDES’ of antisocial teens STORM Milton Keynes shopping centre

    GD Star Rating
  • Clap and Clap:

    Well said. However, many are proud of cannon fodder training for themselves and their children. They nearly became real cannon fodder for some cheap water. Do they get cheap water?

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Ask your supporters don’t be stoopid to let their children become canon fodder.

    Teach their children say :”what the hell?” Clap clap.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ The world’s irrational exuberance of INFLATION is largely Angmoh-driven!
    Can any reasonable folk disagree?

    Not true. You look at Argentina ( plague by Peronism ) versus Peru and Chile.

    If Russia never invade Ukraine, food prices wont chiong so high.

    Who cause China’s property woes ? CCP themselves.

    GD Star Rating
  • Clowns don't kill:

    Zelensky orders clowns not to kill. Others have to kill or be killed, or surrender if they are lucky.

    The government in Kiev has designated several circus troupes as enterprises of critical importance, whose employees will be exempt from mobilization, two lawmakers confirmed on Monday.

    Last week, President Vladimir Zelensky enacted changes to the draft allowing the army to conscript 25-year-olds and abolishing several categories of exemptions from military service. However, certain state employees can still avoid the draft if their work is considered ‘critical’.

    GD Star Rating
  • Only 1:

    Not true. Only 1 person responsible.

    PAP mandate strong: Who cause China’s property woes ? CCP themselves.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    You like Sun Ho or what?

    Daniel 8:25

    New International Version
    He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Ah governed by ONE GOVT. and drink only ONE Wine called China Wine.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Give them the rotan . LOL

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Parents should be caned for their ill-disciplined children. Agreed?

    HORDES’ of antisocial teens STORM Milton Keynes shopping centre

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Parents in the Bible, sacrifice their children to Molech or Baal.

    Clap and Clap:
    Well said. However, many are proud of cannon fodder training for themselves and their children. They nearly became real cannon fodder for some cheap water. Do they get cheap water?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Your supporters are the lowest life form on earth. They need to be squashed like bugs.

    Your Indian cleaner waited for me two occasions – lunch and dinner time so that he can put on a great show of clearing bins. Ask your pervert to go back to Blangadesh where cleaners are more needed. No wonder one of my ex boss said they are good for sweeping or computers.

    There’s another angsty cunt at Sheng Siong 352 clementi. Should stuff her mouth with tampons.

    Then another fat ass woman waited for me at the lift area, just so she can push her trolley in. She must have achieved something.

    Delta pool – one loud cunt auntie came in with the kids and made so much noise that the uncles left in disgust. Ah Soh is an asshole.

    They and their instructors will get their due retribution.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    How about Thou Shalt Not Lie.

    U$ Press Secretary: Israel are not INTENTIONALLY killing civilians.

    You cannot talk about democracy

    Opposition always criticize our great PAP as undemocratic. This means Opposition are democratic.

    So, Opposition/LGBTQ MUST BE THE FIRST to answer below questions. Just answer Yes or No is suffice.

    Q1: Do you believe what the U$ Press Secretary said? Israel are not INTENTIONALLY killing civilians. (Yes/No)

    Q2: Do you believe President Bush who said Iraq possessed Weapon of Mass Destruction? (Yes/No)

    Q3: Does the West/America has the high moral ground to lecture others on Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights ? (Yes/No)

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Clap and Clap:
    Well said. However, many are proud of cannon fodder training for themselves and their children. They nearly became real cannon fodder for some cheap water. Do they get cheap water?

    And you are canon fodder for Americunt like the pro democracy Hong Kees ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Only 1:
    Not true. Only 1 person responsible.

    Hahaha..well said.

    Hong Kees called him Winnie the Poo and his degree is fake.

    GD Star Rating

    Kudos to the writer.An extremely well written piece. Unfortunately in today’s world, it is all about weapon selling so wars are created to benefit weapon manufacturers. If you join NATO, you have to buy weapons from the Americans. The heroes of World War 2 are becoming scums in this century. Almost all wars except for China’s land claim, seem to be generated by the Americans.

    GD Star Rating
  • Only 1:

    Poor lost soul. Your head is filled with that person.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Hahaha..well said.

    Hong Kees called him Winnie the Poo and his degree is fake.

    GD Star Rating
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