
The chief salesman of the pharmaceutical companies?

Why is Minister Ong becoming the chief salesman of the pharmaceutical companies?

Without his intervention, latest cancer drugs that cost hundreds of thousands, to millions of dollars per treatment, due to copyrights, would probably never see the light of day as most customers would be put off by the cost. However, the pharmaceutical companies now just have to manipulate Mr Ong, and if he agrees, for whatever agenda, be it to encourage their investment here or because Temasek is invested in them, etc, the drug is rolled out to the whole country, thanks to compulsory MediShield.

MediShield is important to spread the high cost of medical care, however, it should not be used to roll out cutting-edge drugs that cost an arm and a leg. It should instead source for generic drugs to keep premiums affordable. Let private insurance take up cutting-edge drugs, if it makes financial sense for them. It is precisely because it doesn’t, that MediShield is used, since the people cannot opt out, and has the volume.

The government should stick to its core functions: protect the people from external threats; maintain internal law and order; provide infrastructure such as roads, rails, ports, public housing, public hospitals, schools, etc, ie, undertakings whereby the expense will naturally never repay the profit but will frequently repay society.

They should stop indulging in or interfering in business since its interest is necessarily contrary to that of running a country. The former is based on squeezing the customer and worker to maximize profits now, the latter is long term, and based on providing an environment as conducive as possible so that the people can realize their full potential.

Besides, when they are involved in business, the money is not theirs and is seemingly endless, thus naturally encouraging them to be reckless and profligate, thereby ruining the country.


Foong Swee Fong



19 Responses to “The chief salesman of the pharmaceutical companies?”

  • rice:

    No worrie$,just Collect more money if need more to $quander.
    Sgs are plainly daft.
    They act smart but are really stupid.
    The higher educated they are,the more stupid they they are.

    Ong You Con is another jester.
    Talk c**k $ing Song all year long.

    GD Star Rating
  • Inferior Western Capitalism:

    Shocking news!

    Western capitalism has claimed to be the best economic model for a century. Soviet communism economic model was no match.


    US now admits western capitalism is no match for China’s model.

    The world is shifting tectonically.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    “They should stop indulging in or interfering in business since its interest is necessarily contrary to that of running a country. The former is based on squeezing the customer and worker to maximize profits now, the latter is long term, and based on providing an environment as conducive as possible so that the people can realize their full potential.” – Foong Swee Fong

    I once took a subject called business & Govt Interactions. It would suggest these two entities are mutually separate.

    In Spore, the business is the govt and vice versa. The unions also govt related. All roads lead to Rome.

    We read of countries buy and sell arms. eg US.

    GD Star Rating
  • Light The Way:

    With the eventual decline of Covid-19 cases worldwide, so is Temasick’s return investment in the production and sale of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines.

    Unless of course, the daft populace is easily convinced to continue on with the 100% voluntary seasonal jabbing.

    The way forward now to better profits is chronic healthcare and hopefully the patients aka customers will still follow the script.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sinchiapor the Incorporated:

    It’s just downright wrong that a republic be hijacked into a family global mega corporation funded by citizen life savings…..

    GD Star Rating
  • @ Inferior Western Capitalism:

    Beijing’s Bid to Attract More Foreign Investment Fails, as Japanese Giants Continue to Exit China

    GD Star Rating
  • @@Inferior:

    That yt channel is a propaganda machine. Half-truths and outright fakes.

    @ Inferior Western Capitalism:

    Beijing’s Bid to Attract More Foreign Investment Fails, as Japanese Giants Continue to Exit China

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    This made me laugh and cry. Any decent salesman has a wide array of “tools in his bag” to induce you to buy the way he wants … this is no secret. The question then becomes: How do you keep from getting bamboozled?

    GD Star Rating
  • My personal story:

    My father got a stroke and was sent to hospital, he was diagnose of stroke. When he recover of stroke, he was diagnose of cancer at heart vessel and too late stage cannot do surgery. So eventually he died of cancer when he vomit blood and send to hospital. If one look closer to the case, many questions arise. Why the doctor fail to diagnose him of cancer when he got a stroke and send to hospital at first. He was a smoker and doctor did not consider he has cancer. Next question is why having cancer which is in danger of life, he was not advice to stay in hospital bed and had to rush to hospital too late for treatment?
    In conclusion, I feel the doctors in Singapore hospital are useless and careless and Singapore medical researchers are useless. This is the main problem of Singapore medical sector. First too many patient too little doctor result in short consultation time leading to errors. Second, I think the doctors are almost immune from lawsuit and protect by government and hospital in fear of shame. There are so many cases of doctors mistreatment but how many newspapers article are about doctors mistreatment lawsuit? There is a need for overhaul to bring in more qualified doctors and medical researchers from other nations. So much hype about bring in foreign talents but Singapore has failed to attract the best talents from other nations in medical sectors.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Yes, charge private sector consultation fees but never answer your questions or just vaguely.

    I hear of doctors going to china to give free cataract surgery. But on home soil not happy to help locals. Some more pay first then operate. Money face.

    Read the one star google reviews on the SNEC & SGH.

    My personal story:
    My father got a stroke and was sent to hospital, he was diagnose of stroke. When he recover of stroke, he was diagnose of cancer at heart vessel and too late stage cannot do surgery. So eventually he died of cancer when he vomit blood and send to hospital. If one look closer to the case, many questions arise. Why the doctor fail to diagnose him of cancer when he got a stroke and send to hospital at first. He was a smoker and doctor did not consider he has cancer. Next question is why having cancer which is in danger of life, he was not advice to stay in hospital bed and had to rush to hospital too late for treatment?
    In conclusion, I feel the doctors in Singapore hospital are useless and careless and Singapore medical researchers are useless. This is the main problem of Singapore medical sector. First too many patient too little doctor result in short consultation time leading to errors. Second, I think the doctors are almost immune from lawsuit and protect by government and hospital in fear of shame. There are so many cases of doctors mistreatment but how many newspapers article are about doctors mistreatment lawsuit? There is a need for overhaul to bring in more qualified doctors and medical researchers from other nations. So much hype about bring in foreign talents but Singapore has failed to attract the best talents from other nations in medical sectors.

    GD Star Rating
  • $First,singaporeans last:

    @Singaporeans …
    True,SNEC one of the greediest.
    Eye surgeons overcharging!
    Earn million$ each year for those in private practice.
    Charge for all kinds of computer-tests carried out by nurses or clinic assistants!!!

    Same for other surgeries!
    The govt must step in to reduce medical costs.
    Aged sgs have no more savings to pay such crazy fees.
    Many prefer to commit suicide.
    What a caring and gracuou$ $ociety indeed.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ My personal story:

    Sorry to hear about that. So you approached lawyer Lim Tean or Ravi to help to press charges or seek compensation ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Repent!:

    You are so knowledgeable about everything. You must know how hard it is to sue medical cases. Therefore, you are making fun of a commenter who lost his/her father. You wick*d person. Repent!

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ My personal story:

    Sorry to hear about that. So you approached lawyer Lim Tean or Ravi to help to press charges or seek compensation ?

    GD Star Rating

    Shouldn’t we be paying to an insurance company directly and negotiate terms for our own healthcare? Where exactly is the medisave payments going to? Isn’t a fact that we are told what and how much can be deducted by the govt. a human rights violation? Shouldn’t healthcare cost be paid from taxes collected? Why create another tax and call it medisave?

    GD Star Rating

    PAP cronies lack EQ like LHL. They never apologize as they see themselves to be right.There is a segregation. There is the PAP and it’s cronies, then it is us the peasants who they live off.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    The medical bill is tabulated in such a way that after subsidies and what not various deductions, the insurance is unclaimable.

    Shouldn’t we be paying to an insurance company directly and negotiate terms for our own healthcare? Where exactly is the medisave payments going to? Isn’t a fact that we are told what and how much can be deducted by the govt. a human rights violation? Shouldn’t healthcare cost be paid from taxes collected? Why create another tax and call it medisave?

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Is This the Next Pandemic Big Pharma Has Planned for Us?

    With the fear-mongering campaign of ‘Disease X’ sponsored by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI), people are wondering what virus might infect the world next. A few days ago, the CDC issued a health advisory for the H5N1 bird flu as it was detected in a Texas dairy farm worker.

    His only symptom was conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the eye. As of today, human-to-human transmission has not occurred and thus H5N1 poses limited risk to humans. However, this may change in the near future, especially if we consider the dark history of gain of function (GOF) research regarding H5N1.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Dont say like that.

    At least approached Mr Lim Tean or other lawyers and seek advice whether the case is a go or no go.

    As Xi said 敢于亮剑, 勇于斗争!

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