
Let dead dogs lie

Alas, Pritam should have let dead dogs lie.

I am surprised that he is making a bid to have his case heard in the high court. His reason? His case is similar to Iswaran’s.

After hearing his lawyer’s submission yesterday, Judge Hoo will give her decision on Sept 9.

I would think this is a relatively straightforward case. Did he lie to COP or not? Did he tell her to bring her lie to the grave or come clean with parliament?

I feel that one can distinguish his from Iswaran’s case. I will leave you to discern the differences as contended by Deputy AG Ang Cheng Hock.

As the leader of the opposition, people look up to him for substance, and not effect, especially during such time. There is no doubt he has dedicated his life to make Singapore a better, fairer and wiser place.

He is our alternative voice, and the political history of this little red dot will remember him and his team, especially his mentor Low Thia Khiang, for what they have done.

We are imperfect being, perennially flawed. But the issue is not about admitting that. We say it to spruce up our image of being humble.

The issue comes with a twist of that, and it is about how LESS imperfect we are as compared to others, especially when the target of our comparison are people we are running up against, like in a race, election or school exams. In other words, it’s about degree and comparison.

There is a contest to that, a contest of self-conceit, hiding behind the hemline of humbleness.

But isn’t that the real test of character, politican or otherwise? In that furnace of character building, do you just call a spade a spade or use it to dig ourselves even deeper?

Whether Pritam has lied or not, let the courts decide. Most of us may have made up our mind, including me, but I don’t think it is necessary to air it on a higher plane.

I really feel that a case like this can be resolved, as discreetly as possible, in the lower courts. Why fan the electoral flame when the fire can be better used elsewhere for deeper, more lasting, impact?

Pritam affirmed in his affidavit that his case would “benefit from the stature of a High Court judge”. It reports that “according to him, High Court judges, who have security of tenure, are best placed to hear his case without being swayed by the political atmospherics that surround his matter.”

I think he is overestating his matter. His case will be heard before a reasonably competent judge in the state courts. Whether high court judge has the security of tenure, that is not the reason for their impartiality. One would benefit from their experience, but this is not a case that is too complicated for judges in the state courts.

We are not living in a dictator state, although some here may think I am naive. Well, at times, it’s better to be naive than over-paranoid.

And the trial has been booked for a 16-day trial to suss out whether he had lied. Pritam has thus a wide berth to fully ventilate his evidence.

Every accused has the right to be heard, so that justice is not only done, but seen to be done. But truth be told, perception is, at times, more important than the outcome; the shadow looms larger than the light. That is why the outcome is, at times, not always seen as fair, even if it is so.

Tbh, that should be the end of it. If he wants to appeal, go ahead. It would be heard in the high court, and that’s a second bite of the judiciary’s cherry.

After that, let’s move on - close one curveball chapter in his glowing political journey, and move on to the next much more fruitful chapter.

Nobody is perfect. He at least did admit that he should have be more expeditious with disclosing Raeesah’s lie to parliament, but he explained he was being sensitive to her past experiences of being a victim herself.

After all said, let me end with the farewell message of former WP members Loh Pei Ying and Yudhishthura Nathan.

"We've both been with the party for nine years or more, and have been cadres since 2016. In these years, we've loved the party dearly, and contributed actively in many teams and departments, both grassroots and strategic.

"We hold our memories of our time in the Workers' Party with fondness. We've made lifelong friends in each other, and with others along the way.

"There are many good people in the rank and file of the Workers' Party who've dedicated their lives towards building a better Singapore. We hope they remember to keep the welfare of Singaporeans at the centre of all that they do."

They have a point. That has always been WP’s focus. A focus for the betterment of Singapore. It is a good reminder for times like this.


Micheal Han


32 Responses to “Let dead dogs lie”

  • Funny:

    “His case will be heard before a reasonably competent judge in the state courts.” HAHA

    “That is why the outcome is, at times, not always seen as fair, even if it is so.” HAHA

    “We are not living in a dictator state, although some here may think I am naive.” HAHA

    Maid case. Case closed!

    Why is TRE so quiet when it has so many good jokes.

    GD Star Rating
  • dodo:

    MH, people like you are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons BUT ARE ABSOLUTE MORONS.
    There are many faults from the ruling party, so if you want to pick on PS, your sense of proportion counts. Make sure you pick 5 times more faults from the ruling party. But looking at the way you write, morons like you are the type that cower before the ruling party under all sorts of weird excuses.

    GD Star Rating
  • Appeal, appeal, ...:

    The writer makes it sound so easy to appeal a court judgement. This reminds me of a NUS student. The appeal is costly, tedious and takes a very long time.

    It’s not like you appeal today, and tomorrow your appeal is heard and decided.

    So. If P gets convicted by a lower court, his appeal will take place definitely after the GE. Isn’t this a very important factor?

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    This useless joker who at every turn carried Pinkie’s balls whenever he could – he is not worth dogshit. During the pandemic he was crying load about the greatness of the Gahmen’s decision and how the unvaccinated are the cause of all evil in the world.

    Then he tries to hush up his fornicating cohorts. (oh excuse me – some will correct me to say former fornicating cohorts). He obviously thinks he is a hero in a Tamil movie.

    What a spineless moron. Period.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Pritam Singh.
    Ya,Pritam sings…along with PAPie$.
    Either Town Council crap$ or this.
    And,sgs are waiting for $16K WP MPs to tackle so many out$tanding NATIONAL ISSUES ON BEHALF OF TRUBLU nationals.
    STOP THE CON-driving…er,CO-driving.
    Sgs have been taken for a ride far too long.

    Put in PSP N SDP!!!

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Seriously,PS is unfit for duty as OPPO LEADER.
    In truth,he is merely the OPPO LEEder.
    Trublu sgs need a true Oppo LEADer.At moment,Dr TCB,if his health permits,is Trublu sgs’ best choice for Oppo Leader.
    Only with true humility can OPPO sgs gain more seats.
    Parochialism will not lead to winning more seats for the Oppo.
    There is no two ways about it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Move your butt:

    As someone says it all the times. You love it, you move there. Quick. Move to the constituency with PSP or SDP candidates. Go there. Your wish to vote for them will come true.

    Don’t stay in AMK or Aljunied and cry for TCB.

    Pritam Singh.
    Ya,Pritam sings…along with PAPie$.
    Either Town Council crap$ or this.
    And,sgs are waiting for $16K WP MPs to tackle so many out$tanding NATIONAL ISSUES ON BEHALF OF TRUBLU nationals.
    STOP THE CON-driving…er,CO-driving.
    Sgs have been taken for a ride far too long.

    Put in PSP N SDP!!!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Wayang Party 101% guaranteed lose in this coming election.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    @Move your butt

    Why should you bother where I choose to live?
    WTF you think you are,you silly ass.

    GD Star Rating
  • Move your butt:

    Because oppos dislike fake oppos. Every time kpkb about oppos. You are a pappy lover n disguise.

    @Move your butt

    Why should you bother where I choose to live?
    WTF you think you are,you silly ass.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Why is TRE so quiet when it has so many good jokes.

    Perhaps many find his rhetoric explanation …. unconvincing ?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:


    If you are trying to discredit,try harder.
    Cheap snide remarks like yours i dont care for.
    You seem to be a PAP CO-DRIVER as well.
    So,stop your bullshit.
    Seriously,i dont have time to waste on you.
    But ,go ahead,say what you fancy.
    I cant be bothered with you PAPpy Hanky-Panky.

    Look yourself in the mirror.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    If there is an oppo Alliance like PSP/SDP and WP refuses to join,I would vote for such an Oppo Alliance with both hands.

    Sure,if I am pissed with P$ and some idiot call me a “fake” oppo supporter,go ahead,make my day.

    WP HAS FAILED TO DO ANYTHING SOLID EVRSINCE I voted for them ,kicking out a,strong PAP TEAM of GY,Lim Hwee Hwa ,etc.
    But many older sgs have moved away and new people move in.
    Last GE saw a drop in WP votes.
    The coming GE will be worse for WP.
    And,don’t forget,last PAP TEAM AT AJ was way below GY’s standard.

    Go figure why WP refuse to take the lead to FORM OPPO ALLIANCE BUT HASTILY ACCEPT LHL’S OFFER TO BE “OPPO LEEder”?

    Fake oppo?

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Voters like you are ignorant of the Commonwealth Parliamentary system. The Leader of the Opposition is a normal position, occupied by the leader of the opposition party with the most MPs. In UK, e.g. leader of the opposition has a minister rank.

    It is not a ‘LHL OFFER’. PAP run down this position to an rank slightly higher than MP. If it is according to UK ranking, P should have gotten a minister pay.

    Ignorant voters think this is a “goodies” offer. They even blame P/WP for “accepting” the offer. They should have blamed PAP for cancelling this position, which is officially part of the Parliamentary system. Shake head.

    Even if you just look up north, you will know.

    Old news: Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today pledged to donate to the poor the allowances he receives as Opposition leader, which was recently raised to minister-level status.

    rice: Go figure why WP refuse to take the lead to FORM OPPO ALLIANCE BUT HASTILY ACCEPT LHL’S OFFER TO BE “OPPO LEEder”?

    GD Star Rating
  • Lorong utaral berok:

    When Oppo criticising the ruling party, nonsensical allegations are phenomenal!

    Love to see the Oppo fighting among themselves, can’t wait to see that happen! It would certainly be enlightening and entertaining beyond sinkie imagination and no amount of money can make that happen.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Oppo:

    You are a fake oppo. “I love PSP, I like SDP, I hate WP, and I am voting PAP.” A fake oppo. A pap lover.

    rice: Fake oppo?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Comparing P$ to Anwar is a joke.
    Anwar is oppo’s Oppo Leader.
    As for WP and P$,they don’t even give a toot about the other non co-driving OPPO.

    Voters like you think you know a lot @Pappies,don’t you?
    Commonwealth Parliamentary system?
    Here in PAPPies’ Sg?

    You must be sleeping like all the PAPpie$’ blind supporters.

    You see British Style parliament in practice here???
    You got to be kidding.
    My choice of Oppo Leader is a man like ,for example,Dr TAN Cheng Bock.
    As for PAP’s choice of Oppo LEEder,I am no faith!

    First ,go tell your Pappies to remove the GRC system.
    Then,it will look more like “Commonwealth”?
    You are a real Pappies’ jester.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    You are ignorant, and refuse to be updated.
    The Leader of the Opposition is not PAP’s choice. Too stupid to understand.

    rice: As for PAP’s choice of Oppo LEEder,I am no faith!

    GD Star Rating
  • Canadian Bull:

    Someone is talking about commonwealth parliamentary system?

    The most outstanding UK PM, as far as we could remember, is Mdm Liz Truss’s performance in the parliament.

    She was once the most important figure in the whole of commonwealth. But her performance? …..One moment she declared in the parliament that she was a fighter, not a quitter. Just days later, she resigned, just 44 days in power as the PM of UK. Irregardless of her short duration in office, she, for the rest of her life, after her resignation, enjoys a handsome pension.

    What a brilliant lady, what a brilliant parliamentary democracy!

    I pray that sinkie should never have this unfortunate political upheaval in our country!

    GD Star Rating
  • Canadian Bull:

    Rashid Sunak is another highl performing UK PM.

    He is the successor of mdm Liz struss.

    Under his leadership, he implemented a refugee repatriation program.

    The program was funded by the uk government and that it was designed to repatriate unlawful immigrants to An African country. During his tenure as the pm of uk, the program managed to send only 5 refugees to a country in the African country at a cost of 700 million uk pounds.

    There are a few hundred thousand illegal immigrants currently living in uk. Could we say uk parliamentary democracy is a superior system?

    GD Star Rating
  • Canadian Bull:

    Recently read a piece of news on a local website.

    It was about a lady from don’t know where, had lived illegally in sinkie land for more than twenty years. Her case surfaced because she had gotten tired living illegally and sinkie land and wanted to return to where she belonged.

    A news of this nature would certainly catch the attention of many. Some started to talk bad about the immigration and checkpoint authorities, saying all those in the department were jiak liao bi and useless to allow this to happen.

    Thinking of the more than 10 million, and still counting, illegal immigrants in the world most powderful country, and the few hundred thousand more in the most important country in the commonwealth, I think sinkie land immigration and checkpoint authority deserves a Nobel peace prize for a consistent good job for the past 5 decades.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    With Co-driving “OPPO” MPs ,the PAP can only get stronger.
    We need “inspectors” not Co-drivers who will,together with ” MAIN” DRIVER$ plunge us into the aby$$.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    You are stupid.
    P$ was made OPPO LEEder by LeeAhLong.
    And,that is that.
    WP does not even has a significant representation to attain “narural” oppo leadership.
    This is “wayang” but stupid idiot like you must insist.
    We need a real oppo leader respected by other oppo to be effective.
    We have enough of wayang and Wayang MPs paid $16K ,both from WP and PAP.

    So,tell me Mr “know-all” ,what you think of GRC ,also another PAP’s creation not unlike “wayang” oppo LEEder?

    But,daft like you can never understand ,preferring to be “blinded” by useless “TITLE” AND SOUNDS GOOD PAP POLICIES.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    BTW,was JBJ bestowed “officially” as OPPO LEADER by LKY?
    It takes another century for daft to fully appreciate.

    GD Star Rating
  • All Conservatives Fault:

    We don’t like what the Conservatives are doing, and it is all the faults of Liberals and Labours. As a sign of protest against these faulty opposition, we will vote for Conservatives.

    GD Star Rating
  • Preety Sin:

    Pritam Singh better go and learn from people like Tan Cheng Bock.
    Opposition Leader.
    What leader?

    GD Star Rating
  • $355 Million TOMB:

    ”Mr Lee Kuan Yew cared for ideals, not monuments: PM Lee”
    ”“Mr Lee made it very clear throughout his life that he did not need and did not want any monument,” said PM Lee.April 13, 2015
    ..Govt says Founders’ Memorial will cost $335 million; $100 million more than what some expected.
    September 11, 2024
    Hi daddy told the whole world that he does not want a tomb.
    Pinkie wants to build one for him for sinkie to do worshipping.
    Maintainance cost of this will be fully paid by all tax payers.
    Maybe GST to be raised to 30%
    Which tycoons are running papigs from behind the curtains…must be from construction and developers business.

    GD Star Rating
  • Whose fault:

    So who is the Opposition Leader?
    Why leader never bother to strengthen the opposition.
    Is it not the leader’s fault?
    So,why bother to vote?

    GD Star Rating
  • Your fault:

    The fault of the voters. GEs. PEs.

    Whose fault:
    So who is the Opposition Leader?
    Why leader never bother to strengthen the opposition.
    Is it not the leader’s fault?
    So,why bother to vote?

    GD Star Rating
  • build build build:

    Who gained when papigs turned sinkieland into one giant construction site.
    Thousands upon thousands of mickey mouse flats, public and private.
    And then look for 3rd world immigrants to fill them.
    Who gained when Mahadhir build the twin towers.
    Same same.
    Why so many papigs cadres in the construction/developer industry
    sinkies need to ask question.
    Open your eyes.

    $355 Million TOMB:
    ”Mr Lee Kuan Yew cared for ideals, not monuments: PM Lee”
    ”“Mr Lee made it very clear throughout his life that he did not need and did not want any monument,” said PM Lee.April 13, 2015
    ..Govt says Founders’ Memorial will cost $335 million; $100 million more than what some expected.September 11, 2024
    Hi daddy told the whole world that he does not want a tomb.
    Pinkie wants to build one for him for sinkie to do worshipping.
    Maintainance cost of this will be fully paid by all tax payers.
    Maybe GST to be raised to 30%
    Which tycoons are running papigs from behind the curtains…must be from construction and developers business.

    GD Star Rating
  • Oppo Leader:

    Of course, PS is officially the leader of the opposition. This position comes from the fact that his party has the biggest number of opposition MPs. It is from the fact that voters had voted for his party MPs.

    TCB? With due respect, anyone who cannot win an election against pap cannot be called an oppo leader.

    Preety Sin:
    Pritam Singh better go and learn from people like Tan Cheng Bock.
    Opposition Leader.
    What leader?

    GD Star Rating
  • Fear Fear Fear:

    The currency of Papigs…Fear fear fear
    ”The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken
    ”General elections were held in Singapore on 3 November 2001”
    Days after Sept Eleven.
    2020 GE was held in the middle of COVID…time of max fear.
    Sinkies better be aware of this; no crisis…create one.
    Fear talk by pinkie and siah suay started…more in the coming days.
    The hardliners in papigs are normally given the tasks of fear mongering.
    The playbook is from North Korea or any failed democracy.

    GD Star Rating

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