Leave no man behind
That’s what I learnt in the sentence of 6 months of SCDF officer, Kamil, 39, who was the highest ranking officer at the time of the fire at Block 91 Henderson Road in Bukit Merah.
Edward H. Go was only 19 at that time. He was found motionless on the kitchen floor. He passed on thereafter.
A bright student who aspired to go to med school, Edward’s autopsy had certified the cause of death to be "suffocation due to depleted air cylinder".
At the sentencing, Judge Shawn Ho was seen choking up when he said: “I extend my deepest condolences to the family of Mr Edward H. Go. He tragically lost his life while serving national service as a brave firefighter.”
Unfortunately, courage under fire exemplified in a young son all fathers could intimately feel for gave his life, which in my earnest view, could have been avoided, if not for a thumbs up to go in the unit to fight alone.
It could even be that Edward didn’t know that he was left alone to fight fire. The evidence showed that “Kamil tapped (Edward) on his back, gave him a thumbs up and left the unit (on fire), leaving the NSF alone in the flat.” Kamil left because he felt dizzy from the engulfing smoke.
It is reported that “Kamil did not verbally inform (Edward) that he was leaving, even though the fire had not been put out.”
Kamil then went to the staircase to rest so that he would not be seen as leaving the unit so early. But what is tragic is that when another firefighter (LTC Hassan) met him at the staircase, Kamil did not even tell him that Edward was in the unit alone.
Kamil also did not informed anyone else in SCDF about Edward during such crucial time where every second counts, which could have made all the difference. FYI, Kamil has 14 years of experience in SCDF.
It is one thing to allow one fellow firefighter to confront the flames alone, it is really another thing to leave him there to fight by himself. There’s only so long a vulnerable soul can hold his breath, before the air in his tank runs out.
For Edward, I believe duty came before personal safety, and in fulfilling it, he gave his life in the fight.
While I can understand in the heat of the moment, you can’t expect one to think straight. Mistakes will be made. Kamil’s lawyer did say, “It was a real-life situation, and he made a mistake, under pressure and under duress, and unfortunately he will have to pay for it.”
However, recounting the event based on what is reported, he had the opportunity to change course, to inform, to seek help, and most crucially, to consciously reflect for a moment how one man fighting against the engulfing flames and fumes is on a level that is no different from mission impossible, especially if the brave young man was determined to complete the mission.
In real-life, if it cost you little to make such a huge difference in someone’s life, someone who has put his entire faith and trust on you, especially in a life-death situation, the least you could do is to turn back and reach out to him.
And Kamil knew that the mission came in pairs so that one could always look after the other’s back.
As a father who also has a son about Edward’s age, I can’t imagine the pain his father goes thru knowing how brave his son was, and at the same time, how the many opportunities were lost that could have snatched him from the swallowing flames.
Alas, we all make mistakes, but sadly, the consequences of some of them are irreversible. And yes, we are all redeemable. But some redemption journey comes with such great price.
Micheal Han
With modern technology, SCDF must answer for the lack of safety equipment. All we hear is that he was alone. How about the safety equipment?
Firefighter Basics: Low-Air Alarms. Do SCDF have these?
The low-air alarm was designed and installed to inform the user of how much air he or she has left in the cylinder. It is not an alarm to tell you when it is time to get out, because you are supposed to be out of the building or on your way
The PASS device. Do SCDF have these?
It sounds a loud (95 decibel)[1] audible alert to notify others in the area that the firefighter is in distress. On a fireground, the sound of an activated PASS device indicates a true emergency and results in an immediate response to rescue the firefighters in distress.out when the low-air alarm sounds. More recent PASS devices can also automatically activate if the device does not detect motion for 30 seconds.
It will be shocking poor management if SCDF do not have these. If they have, then they need to find out why the alarms failed.
This is actually not a case of leaving someone behind. It was failure to support someone who had charged forward. Soldiers charged forward while officers stayed behind.
Here is a story of an officer who charged forward.
Colonel Jones immediately seized a sub-machine gun, and, calling on those around him and with total disregard for his own safety, charged the nearest enemy position. This action exposed him to fire from a number of trenches. As he charged up a short slope at the enemy position he was seen to fall and roll backward downhill. He immediately picked himself up, and again charged the enemy trench, firing his sub-machine gun and seemingly oblivious to the intense fire directed at him. He was hit by fire from another trench which he outflanked, and fell dying only a few feet from the enemy he had assaulted. A short time later a company of the Battalion attacked the enemy, who quickly surrendered. The display of courage by Colonel Jones had completely undermined their will to fight further.
If it is compulsory for firefighters to work in pair, why didn’t Col Hassan asked him on where was his buddy when he saw him resting on the staircase? Go’s body was discovered only after the fire was put out. Shouldn’t the Col Hassan be culpable too?
Since 1967, how many NS men have fallen.
Died in service.
Does MinDEAF or HomeTeam finally have the courage to tell Singaporeans.
88 years of SILENCE.
88 years of SHAME!
Time to list down their names and honour them.
Do the RIGHT thing for True Blue.
At least one third of citizens are no longer True Blue—exempted from NS.
The government should allow our sons to do NS after tertiary education for their own safety. In Finland,you have until 27 years to complete NS. I really don’t see a need to force NS onto our 18/19 year old after their A levels. As Edward Go’s death has shown, they will just take instructions as they are too young and have no life experience. Many of us have one or two sons. It is heartwretching to lose a son to NS.
What was his duty and responsibility?
Was he there just to look see look see?
Yes – even after all these goondus who serve NS come out they still keep voting the Gahmen. If these goondus had some guts we would not have NS now – after 50 years still can die for nothing.
Sounds like G.
Leave no sg behind.
Well,sgs are not huMANs.
We,are mere digits.
Same for NS fire-fighter.
Same for all common sgs.
The “colonel” is a chip of the $ame BLOCK.
It’s the “$ystem”,period.
1 NS died from open group ragging.
1 NS died from lack of support during firefighting operation. Comrades/officers missing. Safety gadgets not available or not working. Water hose had low pressure. So low that LTC thought it was switched off.
If I had command over SCDF, I would replace top management completely.
We had one case where the town council locked up the fire water. So there was no water for fire fighting. Things for worse. When the locks were broken, the hose had no water.
In his first public comments on the matter since the day of the blaze, he said: “I am clear in my mind that, as your elected representative, I am accountable to you for both issues. These incidents should not have happened and, for that, I must apologise.”
He also disclosed that a contractor responsible for ensuring that there is water supply to the hoses at Block 210A, Bukit Batok Street 21 was being investigated.
“I was naturally concerned about both matters and immediately responded that the SCDF officers would have to investigate these issues,” he added.
After its investigations, the SCDF announced on Nov 8 that it had issued warnings to the town council over the faulty and locked hoses.
Now, fast forward to Mr Go’s case. The water pressure was low. Not only low but LOW until like turned off. “When LTC Hassan entered the unit, he saw the fire hose on the ground with the water pressure low and concluded that all the firefighters had left the unit.”
I am sure the LOW water supply is also a prime cause of the death.
Town Councils and SCDF did not learn from the first case. Will they learn now or wait for further death?
Singapore is a 3rd world country.
All the above commenters before me:
Just answer this simple question.
Did you keng (feign illness) to down pes or escape major drill exercise?
If you have done that, you are not qualified to comments.
STFU and FOff Ok.
Why do I deserve to go?
Why not any of these guys?
They all fought just as hard as me.
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr Singaporeans Are Free Rider
https://youtu.be/wAkR0aiYWrw 😱
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
Talk big lah. Did you even serve NS, foreigner?
You should ask your Henderson master why the water pressure was very low.
Again, you exposed your cover. The things you say, show that you are not what you claim to be.
SCDF on Thursday said that firefighters had to force their way into the unit. Wearing breathing apparatus, they pushed through the smoke-logged flat with two water jets.
During the firefighting operation, the full-time national serviceman fell unconscious in the kitchen area. He was immediately taken out of the unit and given cardiopulmonary resuscitation, said SCDF.
An ambulance crew at the scene also used an automated external defibrillator on him and took him to Singapore General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
He was immediately taken out of the unit and given cardiopulmonary resuscitation, said SCDF.
The more I read up on this case, the more questions I have.
There were 61 responders. In the court case, we hear 4 only. Hassan, Kamil, GO and an unnamed 3rd firefighter.
61 responders and GO was the ONLY ONE in the unit fighting with a LOUSY hose.
Many persons should be thoroughly ashamed of the organization.
Member of Parliament for Bukit Batok SMC, Mr Murali Pillay had asked (in Parliament) about the challenges experienced by the SCDF during the firefighting operation.
On Monday, Mr Faishal noted that the firefighters were blocked from accessing the site of operation by a funeral tent by 18 minutes as they had to remove the bollards near the tent to create a safe spot for the vehicles to gain entry to the access way.
Mr Faishal also added that 61 responders from six fire stations were deployed based on the ground commander’s assessment of the resources needed for the operation of all emergency vehicles. 60 per cent of the respondents were regular officers, and 40 per cent of the responders were national servicemen
@ Soldiers charged forward while officers stayed behind.
Dont say like that.
Only make a mockery of the saying 请记住在你身后有一个强大的祖国.
Opposition demand our great PAP to give them U$A First World Democracy.
So, go ask your First World Democracy U$A In God We Tru$t Papa Pardon Son Democracy why fire hydrants are dry.
This is what First World Democracy do.
Liberalism is when you have a fire department with 14 genders and ZERO working fire hydrants.
Opposition like you are as toxic as LGBTQ.
哈哈!Well said.
I don’t post often last few days because my Mom invited her China late brother’s wife and sibling to SG.
She instructed me to bring them around. LL, I brought them around and during shopping (Sheng Song, CS), I found that they only buy foreign food (SG included) and skip Made In China food. (MIC)
Curious, I asked them why. This is what they said.
MIC food is toxic like U$ food. Chinese, like the American only had their eyes on Money. Never mind the consumer dying after eating it.
Exposed by Russian: 中国人不骗中国人。😱
I am glad our great PAP take care of their citizens.
Must vote PAP. Vote PAP.
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr🚀Singaporeans Are Free Rider
https://youtu.be/wAkR0aiYWrw 😱
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
Our national motto is
“你身后有一个强大的祖国” 是大陆中国人的常用语句,这和新加坡民防部队救火队员在执行任务时牺牲了有什么关系?
Don’t keep on making up stories with no evidence. You said you are not Chinese.
Dec 2024 China 出口(千美元)
01章 肉及肉制品 317527
02章 乳品及蛋品 57289
0类 食品及活动物 7868186
00章 活动物 78247
Dec alone, US$7,800,000,000.
The world loves food from China.
Clear cut connections to ccp China!
Soulless espionage agent with more than one master.
Singapore is a free country. You are free to come and free to go.
Please leave Singapore. Go back China to eat your best fake food.
Exposed by Russian: 中国人不骗中国人。😱
Chinese kids demanding for money in MRT train.
LKY: I am Nobody’s stooge.
Our great founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew knew long long ago that First World 遥遥领先 Democracy In God We Tru$t Ang Mo PROMISES meant NOTHING when shit hit fence.
LKY also knew First World 遥遥领先 Communist In No God We Tru$t Chinese PROMISES ALSO meant NOTHING when shit hit fence.
First World 遥遥领先 Democracy AND First World 遥遥领先 Communist are both selfish jerks like any other countries/individuals who work for their own self interest only.
Both are Partner in Crime to screw others nation for their own self interest.
Pro First World 遥遥领先 Democracy like Hong Kees, LGBTQ fcuk off. Next,
Pro First World 遥遥领先 Communist like Chinese Clan association fcuk off.
GE coming next 6 months at most.
Still,posts here sounds like crap and more craps.
Whatever happen to all the better posts?
TRE ,we need more solid articles.
And,less PAP IB craps here.
Could we ?
Of course I am NOT Chinese.
Are you that stupid Senator Cotton who question our Singaporean Chew Shou Zi?
Obviously, you have not lived here for long. You are a foreigner.
Singapore is a fine country, not a free country. How can it be free when LKY’s son and grandson do not feel safe to step in?
That senator must be your master. You are the ang moh slave who deliberately cannot understand the difference between the Chinese race and the Chinese nationality.
Not once did Chew say that he is not of the Chinese race. Stop misportraying him. He will certainly be wary of a rootless aseanee.
Aseanee, continue to be dumb.
“TRE ,we need more solid articles.”
TRE is like a runner waiting for the second wind. Now, it is limping along.
Join TRE as membership to read my post.
My post is the best as it tells the hard truth.
Oppositions are unable to stomach the hard truth and were very upset over the hard truth.
Some example of hard truth:(download video below and distribute/share)
1. Oppositions majority are morally bankrupt
KTV (Freedom WITHOUT Responsibility)
Mistress caught (Freedom WITHOUT Responsibility)
2. Oppositions majority are sick people. (LGBTQ and Woke)
Trans man is chicks
LGBTQ push to brainwash the young
3. Oppositions pretend to be nice but actually aren’t nice. They hide their evil agenda of profiting from you.
Victim of “Pretend to be Caring” speak out.
Be afraid, very afraid. If you vote Opposition, you will get 1, 2, and 3.
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr🚀Singaporeans Are Free Rider
https://youtu.be/wAkR0aiYWrw 😱
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
Ask your Malaysian Indian men don’t push or shove from behind nor use their bags to brush against people. Like some buffalo who can’t walk properly
After all we don’t owe you. Not happy GO HOME AND STAY HOME.
Another good reason to vote Opposition. Moreover, without openness and transparency in government there is no public accountability
For PAP,it is LEAVE NO FT (even Fakes) behind by leaving DAFT SINKIES TO ‘DIE’,right?
We all trublu sinkies know this truth.
So many examples.
Take our PME jobs and dish them to THEIR FTs.
Take out $100B of our sgs’ hardearned NATIONAL RESERVES and grant huge and generous furlough to even FTs and sgs with HUGE SALARIE$ and probably just as huge personal wealth/savings but grudgingly grant a token $600 out of a PER Capita Grant of $23,500 to NEEDY BUT MORE DESERVING SGS???
DAFT SGS FROM MINISTER$ TO MPs and 65 pct of sgs including many highly educated fool$ who care only for them$elves!
Leave NO SG behind?
Which PAP MINISTERS OR MPs can honestly claim so?
As a Citizen, it is Our Responsibility to Verify.
Aunty call out Man begging for money in MRT train.
Yes, foreigners (Chinese or Malaysian) or any Singaporeans who don’t embrace our National values MUST be taken out of Singapore.
LKY said, we make the World our hinterland. I agreed with LKY.
We want only quality people to join us. (TikTok CEO Chew)
Singaporeans MUST call out Singaporeans/foreigners who don’t embrace our National values to leave Singapore.
Ah you want to talk about First World Democracy isn’t it?
Please answer below 2 questions. Don’t run away with tails between your leg.
How can it be Free when Professor is arrested for speaking out?
Jewish Academic Arrested in First World Democracy
Q1: Is UK a free country? Answer Yes or No is suffice.
How can it be Free when truth are censored?
EU Censored Mick Speech in First World Democracy
Q2: Is EU members country free country? Answer Yes or No is suffice.
Looking forward to your answer.
Right. When you vote, think of conscription. Think of the Ukraine men and women who did NS and died. A few 100,000s. Vote very carefully.
Singapore prides itself as a super high tech city. From various sites, SCDF seem to very low tech. China use drones to fight fires, while SCDF fight fires like the 70’s.
SCDF, what say you?
As usual FR runs away to talk about far away places. Because many times he talked about Singapore, he exposed his ignorance.
Every country same.
Democracy is something they use to make outsiders see us as fair people.
Even In North Korea, people can also go shopping as long as they don’t revolt.
Democracy is when you want to be friendly. Dictatorship is when you want slave labor.
It’s a matter of degree. Eg in West, you can protest, police also free to crack down.
Spore have to apply to protest. But it also means no riots.
@ China use drones to fight fires, while SCDF fight fires like the 70’s.
Ok. Just show us 20 news of China successful real firefighting using drones. 20 different cities, different location, different happenings.
Pro Democracy Ukrainian voted for First World Democracy leader Zelensky but refused to be conscripted to fight/died for First World Democracy. Like Free Rider Opposition Singaporeans, they too are Free Riders.
1) https://youtu.be/Oa7uw4ByZHQ
2) https://tinyurl.com/mry7bhwj
We must charge Opposition Free Riders.
Facts at a glance:
1. October 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych ended conscription in Ukraine.
2. However, due to the Ukrainian Civil War, conscription, as well as a partial mobilization, was reinstated in 2014.
3. February 2022, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the changing of the military training system, leading to the end of conscription by 1 January 2024………..
4. 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine upended those plans, along with massive popular mobilization into the Territorial Defence Forces.
5. 2024 Ukraine’s parliament passes controversial law to boost conscripts
Conscription would have ended by 1 Jan 2024 had not for incursion by the Russian forces.
Yes, that is incursion by Russian forces NOT INVASION just like US never use the word INVASION of Iraq.
US censored media reporting. You cannot find the phrase U.S. invasion of Iraq in the U.S. media. (at time frame 5min)
I note that you are not disputing that SCDF fight fires like the 70’s. Go ask your masters to shake up.
There are 200000 plus or more fire incidents a year in China. I m quoting the lowest figure. Show us 20 example should be very easy. My request not even 0.1%, should be very easy.
Yet you cant.
We also noted that you and Opposition are not disputing that Chinese degree are largely fake. Go ask your CCP masters to shake up.
Q1: Chinese degree are largely fake? Answer Yes or No is suffice.
We also noted that you and Opposition are not disputing that Western/U$ First World Democracy majority are fake. Go ask your Demoncracy masters to shake up.
Jewish Academic Arrested in First World Democracy
Q2: Is UK a free country? Answer Yes or No is suffice.
Yours Truly,
2.5 Dr🚀Singaporeans Are Free Rider
https://youtu.be/wAkR0aiYWrw 😱
TRE Conferred 2.5🎉PHD graduate😊
Leave no sg behind.
Just leave them to die is ok?
Seniors dying alone and lonely.
Who cares?!
Till the young neighbours cannot tahan the stench?
I say time to erect holistic retirement villages that are affordable.
So many seniors left around all alone.
Hahaha! What profound statement that small space also can make more babies!
But,but,”I” LIVE IN GCB???
“No one will be left behind” sounds too cheap and meaningless after every incident or accident has happened. When repeately used, it sounds cringey and insincere like an advertisement banner.
You are insinuating in China no firefighters died ? You better check their stats.
Somebody or some group have an idea to apply drones in that area. Mostly in the exterior of a building. Drones is still in the trial out phase until the assessment is satisfactory and become standard protocol or whatever. Even so it will not replace human totally.
Leave no one behind ? Are you referring to all the prcs tio stuck in Myanmar scam park.
General Erection cumming.
But first masturbate the infantile voters with lollies to SUCK AND SUCK.
Unless and until oppo parties unite to form an Alliance,GE will just come and go like before.
Who want to bet?
Let your imagination run wild. Light some firecrackers and celebrate.
@ Imagine.
Very easy. Then you show me 20 cases of actual successful China firefighting using drones.
Even the latest ShenZhen vehicle explosion also never use drones. Open space on the road.
Or you want to show me news of Myawaddy scam park close shop liao ?
Myawaddy scam park was largely managed and controlled by Chinese who has links with CCP and Burmese government officials.
Don’t be lazy.
Hopefully, SCDF is not like you, sit on their bums and wait for the updates to arrive free of charge. But maybe they are, since they don’t deploy modern technologies
China is THE country for new technologies.
Robots help climbers conquer Taishan
A worker tests a robotic exoskeleton while climbing the Taishan Mountain in Tai’an, Shandong province, during Spring Festival this year.
“It felt like the robot was doing most of the work for me, and climbing was so much easier,” Zhao recalled. “I simply pressed a few buttons under the guidance of the staff, and it (the device) automatically adjusted to my walking pace. It was so easy and cool.”
The robotic exoskeleton, weighing just 1.8 kilograms, has been developed by the Taishan Cultural Tourism Group in collaboration with Kenqing Technology, a company based in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. It is designed to assist users in climbing steep terrain with ease.
The device, which fits snugly around a user’s waist and legs, integrates advanced ergonomics, power electronics and artificial intelligence algorithms to perceive movement and provide assistance based on the terrain and the user’s strides.
Beyond mountain climbing, the robotic exoskeleton can have broader applications, including for fitness routines, walking, running and navigating stairs at home or work, Wang said, adding that the estimated cost is less than 10,000 yuan apiece.
Zhao, the college student, said, “I’d like to buy one for my grandparents, if the price is reasonable.”
I also want to get one for 10 km runs.
Firemen must never play play with fire.
Same for policy making agencies.
One fireman died for nothing because his superior play with fire.
In policy-making,many commoners already “died” from bad policies?
Dont be lazy ?
Yes. So wheres my 20 china examples of drones fire fighting ?
Yes. You like China dont be lazy by hook or by crook move and live in China. Go China embassy and bang table, why as a chinese i cannot migrate back ? Why the africas can ? I support you.
@ China Fan
Please lah.
You dont even walk the stairs up daily to go back to your hdb home and you talk about climbing mountains regardless whether you are staying on the 12 floor or the 2nd floor. And I m not talking about running up the stairs. PRCs included except those delivering parcels or foods.
Even overhead bridge with lift, we see alot of healthy and vitalized young teenagers also queuing for the lift. PRCs in their twenties included.
It only shows that Singapore is low tech. A low-tech citizen claims he no need high tech.