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人民行动党如何通过力法来  控制选举的过程

人民行动党如何通过力法来 控制选举的过程

我们很清楚的知道一般上执政党是利用法律程序[进入]国家体制内,以便可以控制行使公共权力。在新加坡其表面虽具有西方代议制政党一般的特点,实际上对于国家的立法,司法和行政的体系施加重大的影响。根据新加坡宪法,全部的国会议员须由选民直接选出,国家的最高统治权和名义上的行政权在总统;但真正的行政权是由总统任命的国会领袖(总理手中),最高司法权的大法官,由总理提命,总统任命。这种权力的分配机制决定了只要控制了立法选举,实际上和实质上是控制了新加坡的立法,司法和行政的权力。所以大选实际上已变化为人民行动党执政府地位的确认而已;虽在宪法里有明文规定定期的选举,人民行动党还是通过以下两种层面的滥用立法的权力来控制选举的过程: (一)立法控制选举制度的层面: (1)有利于人民行动党的简单多数当选的制度:如在单选区或集选区中取得最多票或总数票中所占的比例较大的候选人当选;所以会造成有些候选人只须跟在部长后面就可以进入国会;且这里的[多数]也可能实际上只... 

Ng challenges Opposition to “form next govt”: don’t be daft

Ng challenges Opposition to “form next govt”: don’t be daft

“Suppose you had 10, 15, 20 opposition members in Parliament. Instead of spending my time thinking what is the right policy for Singapore, I’m going to spend all my time thinking what’s the right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve this week’s problem and forget about next year’s challenges?”... 

Can we survive without huge influx of FTs?

Can we survive without huge influx of FTs?

The FT is good mantra is being sung daily. FT good, FT is indispensable, FT is our saviour. If we keep on singing this mantra, soon we will have nightmares on FTs. We are not talking about the natural movement of people across borders to work and play. This trend has been going on for ages without much of a hiccup except in... 

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