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A Test Of MM’s Standing

A Test Of MM’s Standing

No, the guy in the picture is not trying to pick MM Lee's pocket while PAP newbie Chan Chun Sing distracts him with an extended hand. Rather, he was helping the 87 year old to stand steadily on his own two feet. There's another on the octogenarian's left rear, waiting to catch the world's oldest candidate running for office,... 



由於人类的欲望是无穷的!人性是不完善的!人有自私和滥用权力的倾向;因此不管是谁掌握国家或政府的权力都要受制于宪法;包括公民的宪法权利。但民主的规则并不能保证被授予全权的民选代表会维护公民的权利,所以民主与宪政必须是两者不可缺一的。 宪政与民主一直以来都被看着是现代的理想政制和理想社会;并且民主宪政是最适宜训练一个... 

The timing of heaven

The timing of heaven

When a big storm is brewing, or when a natural disaster is about to hit the shore, all the creatures in the wild, big and small, will get the first signal to evacuate. The timing of heaven is obvious to those recipients who are meant to receive the signal of a major change. Throughout our 40 odd years of existence, other than... 

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