Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category


多年来,老一辈的新加坡人为了改善家人的生活,忍气吞声地在执政党的高压下过活。对社会上许多不公平、不道德的事情都不敢啃声。近年来,政府以一贯不透明、不咨询的态度急速的让大量的外劳与移民涌入,但年薪猛涨到两百万美金的部长们却不能有效地预测到所带来的各种后果,让老百姓的日常生活如工作、收入、孩子入学、交通、就医、社会风气、家庭和谐等等都受到严重的影响,破坏了国人与执政党多年来心照不宣的无形契约。 政府部门对各种管理不当的事故却继续采取一贯不承认、不重视、不说真话及不道歉的官僚应对态度,这更激起国民的怒气,一夜之间,怨声四起。大选将近,年轻选民更在意执政党会利用改变选区范围及操纵媒体的不公平手段来保护政权。 以目前的情况来看,即使今年的国内生产总值会回弹到双位数以上,政府大概不敢在今年内解散国会进行大选。因为GDP的增长已不能确保普罗大众会继续支持目前的执政党。 李氏政权即将成为过去,正如前政府高官严崇涛先生日前的谈话,李光耀作风如果继续被延续将很大程度的威胁到新加坡长远的兴亡。当今国家急需的是政治生态上的大革新。执政党中不乏智者,应以国家为重,对选民更有信心,以公平、谦卑的作风与选举途径从新赢取国民的委任,即使输掉几个议席也未偿不是一件好事。 人民行动党到目前为止是功大于过,但历史潮流、中庸之道,顺者苍,逆者亡,屡见不鲜。如果坚持不改,最终一定会同台湾的国民党一样,被选民所唾弃,丢了政权、害了国家,成为历史的罪人。   NGIAM... 

PM’s National Day Rally was well rehearsed and well delivered

PM’s National Day Rally was well rehearsed and well delivered

I thought the PM's National Day Rally was well rehearsed and well delivered. He hears our complaints and grouses and is reacting on them. He shows that he is close to the ground, in touch with the people, by showing personal examples of people he had contact with. His government is working very hard to solve all these problems... 

7-year-old Veronica Vercella needs $100,000 to stay alive

7-year-old Veronica Vercella needs $100,000 to stay alive

Veronica Vecella is a 7 yr old Indonesian girl who suffers from Leukemia, as the medical facilities in her native Indonesia are not equipped to treat her, her parents have warded her in K K Hospital Singapore.    Veronica's Family is from Batam,Indonesia. The family of four has three dependents, Veronica, her Mother (Housewife)... 

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